
Syria Is The Religion Of The State

Decent Essays

Intro Syria is at the Eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea and is bordered by Turkey (North), Iraq (East-southeast), Jordan (South), Israel (Southwest), and Lebanon (West).(1) The religious population in Syria is 74 percent Sunni Muslim and 10 percent Christians.(1) In 1950 Syria had a constitution in place and was annulled in 1962.(1) A provisional constitution then took place in 1964 and annulled two years later. (1) A final constitution was put into place in 1973. (1) The constitution stated that one must be a Muslim to be head of state, even though Islam isn’t considered the religion of the state.(1) Islamic law is still supported by the constitution but the idea of public worship is frowned upon. (1) Syria has been under …show more content…

(2) Syrians now have to ask permission from the government in order to protest. (2) The Prime minister of Turkey does not agree with the action the governments is using against the Syrians. (2) A conference was set up by Turkey to back the Syrian protestors. (2) In response to the protestors Assad 's military took action against the cities the protesters live in. (2) The European Union has taken actions against the government by freezing the travel of 13 Syrian officials on 9 May 2011 and finally freezing Assad 's travel on 23 May 2011. (2) In February 2012 the death toll of civilians was 7,500. (2) The Syrian military apparently disregards the death toll and began an assault on Homs. (2) The United Nations proposed a peace plan to end the violence and Syria accepts the plan March 2012. (2) This plan works for a couple of days and the violence resumes. (2) Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar have been helping and arming the rebels that have been holding on to the Northern areas. (2) Iran and Lebanon militant groups have been sending weapons to the Syrian military. (2) Many believe that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons against its civilians, but once again the government denies having any affiliation with the weapons. (2) 14 September 2013 Syria agrees to place its chemical weapons under international control. (2) Another problem that is going on in Syria is the

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