
Syrian Civil War: Donald Trump's Strike Against Syria

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On April 6th, 2017 President Donald Trump ordered a missile strike against Syria’s Shayrat Air Force base for the use of chemical weapons by President Bashar Al-Assad on his own people. The Syrian civil war started in Spring of 2011 with the violent crackdown by the Syrian government. During the time from then, there have been multiple violent radical groups formed and the crisis has been called one of the worst humanitarian crisis of our time. About half of the Syrian population has been either killed or displaced from their homes. In 2013, President Bashar al-Assad was accused of using chemical weapons against his own people and it seems as if that has happened again. Viewing the strike under John Rawls’s Law of People’s “non-ideal theory,” …show more content…

This theory is how the long-term goal of a world full of well-ordered people who follow and accept the ideal of the Law of Peoples. Applying this theory to Donald Trump’s strike against Syria is somewhat difficult though, as the theory could either support or reject the strike. The rationale behind Donald Trump’s strike seems to come directly out of the Well-ordered peoples’ right to war, by saying that it is for the national interests of our nation. Under the Right to War, though, it works to “protect and preserve the basic freedoms of its citizens,” not the citizens of other nations (Rawls, 91). The Assad strikes were against his own people and he has not threatened to use them against the United States, therefore Donald Trump is not protecting or preserving our freedoms with this strike. Rawls also explicitly takes up the question of “whether it is ever legitimate to interfere with outlaw states simply because they violate human rights,” and states that if they are developed nations there are other ways to go about these issues, such as sanctions, but if those do not work then an intervention may be needed. Donald Trump did not use these other options though and so it would not be justified to Rawls on that idea. Rawls does allow that, to defend “its constitutionally …show more content…

Donald Trump’s strike against Syria seems to violate these restrictions, which would make the strike unjustified. The strike violates the first principle to cause a, “just and lasting peace” because all the strike does is anger the Assad government and continue to divide the sides either for against both governments (Rawls, 94). This strike was not intended for peace, it was a reaction by Donald Trump to the public outcry about the chemical attacks by the Assad regime, but that does not justify or legalize the attacks. The “aim of war” is to allow for peace, and especially in a war torn state such as Syria, we should be seeking peace, not more agitation and disjunction. The strike and attacks into this area just cause more chaos, more death, and more turmoil for people who do not know if they are going to see tomorrow in Rawls’s eyes and it would not be just. Assad is, also, not a “non-well-ordered state(s) whose expansionist aim(s) threaten the security and free institutions of well-ordered regimes” (Rawls, 94). President al-Assad is trying to reclaim his own land from the civil war and the multiple terrorist groups that have taken parts of his land. He has no goals to expand into other areas such as Nazism. The violation of the treaty in 2013 that Syria would not use and dismantle its chemical weapons program after its use of them

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