
Tacitus And Nero Summary

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Article title: Tacitus and Nero's Persecution of the Christians
In the age of Nero, Christian persecution occurred. Tacitus is the authority over the fire that affected Christianity. Christian writers reasoned that Nero’s victims were because of their faith. On the other hand, pagan writers reasoned that Nero persecuted because of his mere incendiarism. Furthermore, Nero and Tacitus were wickedly anti-religion. Therefore, they started a devastating fire and arrested confessing Christians. Another reason that people have presented is that Nero used Christians as scapegoats, as examples, of his own incendiarism.
Clayton, F. W. "Tacitus and Nero's Persecution of the Christians." The Classical Quarterly 41, no. 3/4 (1947): 81-85. …show more content…

Paul had to present the Gospel to people of other faiths. These people were of other faiths because during the Pax Romana, they encountered multiple religions. They were open to different beliefs and thoughts. Plenty of individuals upheld certain beliefs. Therefore, when the early church evangelized, they evangelized to people with different beliefs. However, these people were open as they were with the religions during Pax Romana. Thus, they were willing to hear what Paul and the early church had to say.
Suh, David Kwang-sun. "What is so "Irregular" about it?" Ching Feng 10, no. 1 (10, 2011): 165-78,
Article title: "God and the Shah": Church and state in Sasanid Persia
At the Council of Chalcedon in 451, church leaders condemned Monophysitism. Subsequently, a major doctrinal development occurred. Particularly, these councils and the rejection of Monophysitism affirmed the dual nature of Jesus Christ. Today, the doctrine that emerged from the Council of Chalcedon is present in the belief systems of the Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Protestant Churches. The Copts in Egypt, the Ethiopians, and the Armenians adopted the Monophysite. Because certain groups did not adhere to the conclusion of the Council of Chalcedon in 451, a rift occurred among Easter

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