
Take Two Minutes Break Essay

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2. Take two minutes’ break:
Even though life today is fast and competitive, but it surely has made us a little more inactive or remote. Normal adults usually spend most of their days sitting in their office, and the rest of the time either in front of their TV or computer screens. Thus there is very less or almost no physical activity. You need to change that, so from now you must make a habit of taking a two minutes break during your daily activities. For example, if you are watching TV, then you can do a little physical activity during the commercial break. This way you will get two things done at a same time.
3. Downsize the use of high calorie foods:
One of the most difficult yet important task that you must do is downsize your daily consumption of high …show more content…

Join the e-newspaper or groups:
One big advantage that people today have is that they can join all these electronic newspaper or groups, which work on weight loss and stuff. All these group and newspaper will help you stay motivated and informed about what is new and what can be helpful for you and your weight loss journey.
5. Do some basic workouts:
People usually think that they have to join fancy gyms or buy expensive equipment if they want to work out. Well it's not true, there are so many basic strength training exercises that doesn’t require any machine or equipment. If you are not sure about the complex and difficult workout then you can always try the basic pushup of squats kind of workouts, they are as effective as any gym workout.
6. Climb the stairs:
As aid above, you don’t have to do something big to lose weight, some really simple daily activities can help you lose weight more easily. If you really want to know how to lose weight fast, then you must try doing these simple things like stair climbing. Climbing over three to five floors per day can help you burn good number of calories. Therefore, try to avoid elevators as much as you can and burn those stubborn fats.
7. Eat your own cooked

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