
Taking a Look at Vulnerability

Decent Essays

People say that being vulnerable is bad and that if you are vulnerable that means that you are weak or just stupid. The idea of being vulnerable scares people so much that they try to avoid it at all costs even the loss of a relationship. I see it all the time with my friends, they are having issues with someone but they don’t want to tell them how they feel because they are afraid of how it will make them look or how the other person will react. Its sad though because both sides have this issue so neither side says what they need to say and the the relationship crumbles. It seems that this day in age people will do anything to avoid being vulnerable, they will blame the other person, blame outside forces or just blow up and end things. Brene Brown, a researcher who studies vulnerability, said in an interview that “We opt to live disappointed rather than to feel disappointed. We are never fully in; there is no raw engagement.” People would rather just throw their hands up and say “forget it” then allow themselves to be vulnerable and work things out. Brene also said,“One of the reasons there is such an intimacy deficit today is because we don’t know how to be vulnerable. It’s about being honest with how we feel, about our fears, about what we need, and, asking for what we need. Vulnerability is a glue that holds intimate relationships together.” In other words without vulnerability there is no relationship because there is no glue and through vulnerability you can see the

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