Let me live, please!
People often prefer to believe that it’s possible to hide pieces of ourselves that we don’t want people to see. And the fact is what we want to hide from others is something that we fear to face ourselves. The less we face these parts of ourselves, the more they hurt us. Learning about ourselves and facing all the facts of ourselves, especially those that we strive not to see, is the key to integration with ourselves, as well as connecting with other people. The less fluidity within ourselves to go in and out of our emotional spaces, the more likely ruptures will be caused in our relationships when blocked avenues explode.
Facing ourselves and integrating with ourselves will open the door to more connection, comfortable exchanges, and less anxiety in all types of relationships. Social anxiety generally stems from the fear of being seen by others — the fear that our masks won’t cover the component we wish not to be seen. If we can get to know these parts of ourselves we wish to hide, rather than fighting to disown them, it can liberate us. In the end, people see us. We’re only hiding from ourselves.
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But does it mean I want to escape. Escapism is the word, the word which means to be carefree. I just want to run away, run away from the choices, choices I made, choices I had to make, choices I make every day. Why can’t God give some signs, He did not even when He was asked for them. Why does He enjoy all this, have fun with the choices the people make. I just want to run away from the judgements and endless suggestions of the people. There are always choices around, but why do we not see them when we should. Why do they become visible very late? And trust me choices once ignored or missed haunt us
Throughout our lives, everyone that we share bonds with and interact with on a regular basis, either forms or has some sort of influence on our identity. Consequently, the majority of us naturally find ourselves striving to fit in with these people, especially during the tough transition from childhood to adulthood. It is this part of the human condition that makes us feel as though we must forge ties with something outside of ourselves in order to establish a strong sense of existence and a clear understanding of who we are. Although most individuals are able to make these connections with others naturally, others who stray from the social norm might not be so fortunate, but rather than
“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are. While your reputation is merely what others think you are.” -John Wooden.
There are heroes all around us. Some may wear capes or/and a mask while others would like to stay behind the scene. Think of it as a superhero and their sidekick. Everyone admires the superhero but very few recognize their sidekick. So, when I was asked who’s my hero at school, I automatically thought of my favorite teachers or ones who I am close with. But I began to question myself, who is the one that comes by every single classroom and cleans, takes the time to fix any mechanical problems, or cooks enough food to make for over 500 students. And I then discovered who my heroes are; the cafeteria workers, janitors, and maintenance people.
In the novel life lessons:two experts on death and dying teach us the mysteries of life and living. The novel talks about many lessons such as
I have loved sports my whole life, even at a very young age. I would watch it with my dad, and he would take me to sports games. I loved to play basketball in the backyard when I was little. I have always loved cheering for my favorite sports team. I love watching the Minnesota Vikings and the Los Angeles Dodgers. Two years ago my dad surprised me with Vikings tickets. I was so happy to get to go to a game. Sports has always been a big part of my life. Two years ago, I got a new view of sports when I started umpiring.
I am from a place called home where i have a loving family who can be very wild at times
I don't want to finish this book. The harder school gets for him the harder it gets to read. I can't stand him being lonely I remember the feeling. there was that this time in my life when I was incredibly lonely and sad. I just keep reliving it through him and it just makes my heart heavy. When I first laid eyes on you I didn't really have a lot of thoughts. All I remember was thinking you must be in your twenties that is until justin told me you were a freshman then The subject turned to something else. You really didn't talk much. I understand why you wouldn’t want to get attached. To people and I may be jumping around a bit because I doubt the first time you looked at me you gave me a second glance I was in band uniform for god sakes. I just mean in general I feel like now you are attached to me and I you. I do think there are still things in our relationship that we haven't experienced yet. I'm not meaning getting married or an of that I mean we haven't even had a fight yet. Maybe we wount. I argue about everything I'm surprised that we don't fight. I feel like I
but to feel a few things twice”-Unknown. I wish I knew who wrote this quote, because the person who wrote it put love, feeling, and memories in words, which is not easy to do. I was born in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas; that’s in Mexico. My family consists of five, my parents, my sister, brother, and me. Life is full of decisions, chances and it is up to us to make the right once to take the path you believe is correct. Life is going to take us places, and where ever we go, whatever we do, the environment in which we are born/ raised shapes all of us as persons
Seven years into my life, our mother brought us from the comfort of our beds into the living room and told us that our life was going to change. This point in time opened an unforeseen perspective where everyone in this world has a different a background, family, and culture that lays out the foundation for life. Fortunately, my upcoming was strengthened by a tough, guiding, Hispanic community which helped me develop into the person I am today and overcome my substantial hardship; nevertheless, providing support to others in similar situations would be a wishful thought come true.
What are you most grateful for? Most teens nowadays don’t thing about what they have been given just what they don’t have. The thing I am most grateful for is my parents who raised me to independent and prepared for life, gave me amazing opportunities for college, allowed me to go on adventures with friends, and let me follow my own path in life even if it changed.
When people first look at me they think douchebag. It wasn't always this way, I use to be a small, shy kid who got his school work done and played video games. Back then you would think nerd or not even notice me. But last year something in me changed; I dedicated myself to talk to more people, be less shy, and go to the gym every day for 90 days.
The scary truth about life is that nothing is forever. Life is temporary, but death is permanent. No matter how hard we work to get where we want to be in life, we will all end up in the same place. Death is a very heartbreaking concept for me and I have always known that I wanted to prevent it to the best of my abilities. When I was 7 years old, I would always see commercials on TV about St. Jude’s Children’s hospital asking for financial support for children with cancer. I knew that I wasn’t able to donate any money to the hospital, but I still felt the urge to help them. One day, I had decided to call the hospital and I was directed to the charge nurse of one of the floors. I remember talking to her about her patients and I wished her and
When I was around eight or nine years old I heard my mom say to my older cousin "Sometimes you are your own best friend" It was something i always remembered but I never understood until junior year of high school. I value that more now as an adult, and i apply it to most things. I used to think surrounding myself with a large amount of people meant something, like it held me to a different standard. That immature way of thinking definitely faded near the end of high school. I've come to value the small amount of close knit friends: quality over quantity. I know now that I am my biggest supporter and I rally for myself as much as i do for any other person I love.
There is no doubt that education is a necessity in today’s world. The majority of individuals continue their education after high school by attending college, and many people have different opinions about what is important in college. Some individuals believe that college is simply a place to have fun while others believe that a grade point average means everything. However, neither belief is true. College is a place to learn not only about trigonometry and the proper MLA format, but it is a place for an individual to explore who he or she is while pursuing new interests. The key to success is to balance academics with the social component of college, and I believe the University of Evansville will help me succeed.
My thick coiled curls covered the taped frames of my crooked glasses as I slouched in the seat of my wooden desk. I anxiously scanned the room, heart racing, certain that my wrinkled hand-me-down clothes and my outdated book bag were the topic of the constant whispers and laughter that surrounded me. Like a visitor in a foreign country, I observed my new surroundings, assured that I did not belong. It was my first day in a new school and I had never felt so out of place. My mother desperately desired new opportunities that my previous poverty stricken environment did not encourage so we relocated to a middle class neighborhood. Because of my background, unfamiliar to my privileged peers, I feared that I did not fit in. This crippled me to believe that I could not achieve the same success in life as those with easier circumstances. Throughout my experiences, however, I have learned that many of the limitations we face in life are the ones that we impose on ourselves.