
Target Behavior: What´s Operant Conditioning?

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A target behavior, TB, is defined as a behavior in which one would like to modify. A target behavior can be increased or decreased using operant conditioning (Militenberg, 2012). Operant conditioning is the use of punishment and reinforcement to increase or decrease a target behavior(Skinner, 1998). Whether something is a punisher or a reinforcer depends on the effect it has on the target behavior. When a punisher is used the target behavior will decrease, but when a reinforcer is used the target behavior will increase. This can be seen in Thorndike’s Law of effect which states that a behavior that produces a favorable effect on the environment will be more likely to be repeated in the future(Militenberg,2012). All of these factors come into …show more content…

An ABC contingency is where you directly observe one’s behavior and determine the A- Antecendent, B- Behavior, and C- consequence (Militenberg, 2012). The antecedent is the events occurring before the behavior occurs. The behavior is the occurrence of the target behavior and the consequence is what happens after the target behavior occurs. The first ABC contingency I came up with was for my stimulation behavior. The antecedent (A) was that I would begin to take notes and listen to the lecture in class. Following this, the behavior (B) of me biting and chewing on my nails would occur. After, the consequence (C) of my nails being chewed on or bitten off would occur and I would feel ashamed. The second ABC contingency I came up with was for my perfectionism behavior. The antecedent (A) was that I would be at work and or notice that my nails were jagged or uneven while at school. Following this, the behavior (B) of me biting and chewing on my nails would occur. After, the consequence (C) of me biting my nails, in attempt of fixing my nails, my nails would be even shorter and jagged than before I started biting them. Lastly, I came up with the third ABC contingency, for my soothing behavior. The antecedent (A) was that I would be at home winding down for the day reading or watching a movie. Following this, the behavior (B) of me chewing and biting on my nails would occur. After, the consequence (C) of my nails being severely chewed on and or bitten off would

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