
Taxation Vs. Flat Tax In The United States

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In our country, some of the most opinion-filled conversations to be had involve taxation. Taxation refers to compulsory or coercive money collection by a levying authority, usually a government. Funds received through tax collection are used in many different ways; a large portion of taxes collected fund our military, are applied towards the United States’ national debt, federal relief organizations, and to law enforcement and other government agencies. Although every working American is required to pay taxes based on their income, deductions, and withholding allowances, the way in which those wages are taxed has often been questioned. Here, we use a progressive tax rate structure. This method of taxing income increases as the tax base, or …show more content…

The most prominent similarity that the progressive and proportional (also Flat Tax) structures share is that they are both unfair in each of their own right, according to those who oppose one or the other. Differences, however, are many. For example, flat tax is meant to even out the playing field, so to speak, by making the tax rate on income one set percentage; whereas the progressive rate gets higher with the more one earns. The theory is that no one would be penalized for making too much, or in contrast, too little money. Another distinct difference is the taxing of dividends. Our current tax structure requires double taxation of dividends, meaning that they are taxed on the business and individual level. Flat tax would eliminate the individual taxation of dividends by requiring only the business to pay taxes on dividends disbursed to investors. “The United States’ tax code treats corporations and their shareholders as separate taxable entities. The result is two layers of taxation on corporate income: one at the corporate level and a second at the shareholder level.” To some, mainly those who receive a large portion of their income from investments and dividends, flat tax is the better …show more content…

Having a flat rate can simplify the filing of taxes and calculations, decrease and possibly eliminate the need for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and provide one tax rate to all working citizens. Currently, filing taxes is a daunting task that generally requires a professional in order to complete the process adequately. Many forms, extra time and in most cases, fees, are the basics needed to file taxes. The filing process is so simplified with flat tax, that not only would the numerous forms be null and void, so will some of the professionals associated with the field. For taxpayers, this is wonderful because it streamlines tax related activity, making it easier to handle on their own. The elimination of forms, professionals, and complexity may also create the decreased need for the IRS. Unfortunately, no one really cares for the IRS, so eliminating interaction with the agency is always a welcome thought for taxpayers and may alleviate stress associated with the dreaded “tax season”. Perhaps the most attractive attribute of a proportional rate is the use of the same tax rate for all taxpayers. A flat tax will not change or fluctuate regardless of how little or how much money is made. This, to many, is the only fair way to treat workers and gives a level playing field for taxpayers to be able to use the majority of their wages for

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