
Teacher Interview : Who Inspired You To Become A Teacher

Decent Essays

Teacher Interview
1. First of thank you for joining me today to answer some questions for my class at UCCS in a leadership course known as Foundations of Leadership. My first question to you is who inspired you to become a teacher?

Answer: Thank you Nathan for choosing me to be interviewed. The answer to your question would have to be is the assistant principal of my middle school was a real inspiration to me, she is one of the huge impacts on me when I perused a teaching degree. She had the ability to guide her students, her kindness and her sense of justice aspired me to bring these things to my own classroom setting.

2. Wow, that is great I would of never guessed a principal to be a role model to influence your teaching career; my next question what is your teaching philosophy?

Answer: I believe that the classroom is a community and that everyone from the principal, to the students, and lastly the parents should at least contribute to maintain a positive atmosphere. I like how my students learn from other students in our classroom I have seen many students on their lunches and the coloration of teamwork to get homework done is mind blowing.

3. I like how you said that students are getting to help each other outside the classroom I think that is a lost art these days because students do not seem very motivated to ask for help on something if its homework because of technology etc. Speaking of technology review the last five years of work at the school what do you

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