
Teacher Strike

Decent Essays

The impact of the 7 day Chicago Public School teacher strike is a complex problem for each stakeholder. City officials, principals, teachers, parents and children all voice their frustrations and positions regarding the teacher strike. The strike was positioned as Emanuel vs. Lewis, but Lewis was contending with a union that installed her in order to take a more active stance and Emanuel’s plan, at least from publicly, was similarly aggressive. Inevitably, Emanuel and Lewis would meet. Consensus is that the CTU won, but Lewis admits that the actual contractual gains are unsatisfactory to her and the union. CTU came through over two decades of insufficiently strong (for the membership's desires) leadership, and Lewis took …show more content…

Political stakeholders like our mayor, Mayor Emmanuel’s and his advisor thinks that by splitting the unions and outlining a long term plan to try to slip “good teachers” from organized labor grasps. Emanuel and his advisor issue is to separate the teachers from the unions because they are not the same thing. “The union basically is a bunch of politicians elected to do certain things- get more pay, get more benefits, less hours, more job security because that is what they are paid to do. They are not about the students, results, or taxpayers. The long term objective can be obtained if teachers can be then split off from the union’s leadership on the issues of evaluations and merit pay. “The good teachers would do fine because they have confidence”. “It’s the weak, lousy, ineffective and lazy teachers-unfortunately there are a number of those- are the ones that the union is protecting and that’s where there is a conflict of interest between the good teachers and the union bosses. The Mayor’s long term objective is to close as many as 120 more schools and the district wants more charter schools with nonunion teachers. Emanuel also says that “our evaluation system has not changed in 40 years- while our students and the world have. The mayor thinks that “this is in the best interest of our students, who need the very best teachers”. One spark of controversy the Teachers Unions addressed was the 2010 state

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