
Teachers Must Motivate Students Overcome Students

Decent Essays

Most of the students in the world of education have a bad perspective towards the

Math subject. Some of them just hate it because they are not well guided by their teachers

and some other students just give up because they think is too complicated. Sometimes

teachers do not take in considerations the problems the students may be encountering

outside the school, which can also affect the student’s performance in school. When

students have problems outside of school, a math problem with a bunch of equations to

solve can become meaningless to them. As a perspective teacher, I believe that teachers

need to motivate and inspire students as much as they can to demonstrate that math can

be also enjoyable. For teachers, this is not an easy job to do since one strategy cannot

work for every student. Regardless of the reason why students are not inspired to do well

in mathematics, teachers must motivate students to overcome the difficulties they face.

But, what is motivation?

I am sure that many people know what motivation is, but in this paper I will

explain and describe in more detail how motivation affect our learning. Therefore, it is

important to define what this word really mean to us. Motivation is the process the

initiates, guides, and maintains goal- oriented behaviors. It is also what causes us to act,

whether it is getting food to reduce hungry or reading a book to gain knowledge. In other

words, motivation is the sense that push people to

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