
Teaching ESL Locally

Good Essays

Assignment 1 1. Private Schools – Depending on the school, qualifications range from a certificate TESOL course to a university/college degree. Tutoring position (company or private) – A degree or/and TESOL certificate would be required to work at a tutoring company while private tutoring, a TESOL certificate is recommended. Home Stay Family – A TESOL certificate is recommended and an available room is required. Community Centres – May required having experience, university/college diploma and TESOL certificate, depending on the centre itself. 2. All positions will depend on the individual company/school/centre with regards to qualifications. For home stay families, it is regulation to have an available room and although a …show more content…

Post advertisements on websites, like Gumtree, etc. Get your name out there by word of mouth. Out of the possibilities available, which ones are you eligible to pursue at the moment? I would be able to only be eligible for homestay and private tutoring as of now, but once I complete the TESOL course I may be able to be eligible for private schools depending on their requirements. Where do you hope your ESL career will lead you? I’m hoping to become a private tutor locally which would make enough income for me to survive on one job alone instead of multiple careers. List 5 important delivery methods for ESL teachers. Direct instructions using actions Lecturing Class discussions Group work Individual instructions Assignment 2 1. In an average ESL classroom, 95 – 100% of students would be the same nationality. A multicultural classroom will have students that have different ideas, understandings, attitudes and perception of learning and classroom environments, this might be a disadvantage as teachers must work extra to become more understanding and flexible of each individual and their culture. 2. The benefit of a multicultural classroom for teaching methods is that most of the student can’t talk in the same language and can only communicate by English. This is highly beneficial as students would want to socialise with the other students, by only being able to communicate in English, they will be able

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