
Teaching Is Incredibly Beneficial For My Learning

Decent Essays

After experiencing English 408, I am confident in my ideologies as a future educator and am excited about utilizing them in future secondary English Language Arts classrooms. At the beginning of this course, I came to the realization that there are often times a cookie cutter model teacher that administrators often look for. Even the College of Education at Michigan State has an idea of what types of teachers they want to produce, not to say that it is a bad thing, simply a philosophy on teaching. The most valuable thing I learned in this class is to express my own ideas despite the sometimes negative feedback. My goals as a teacher are to push my students to be the best that they can be in terms of reading, writing, and critical thinking skills. Over the past fifteen weeks I have been exposed to a variety of teaching methods, particularly through the Difficult Dialogues. Having the chance to see different ways of teaching is incredibly beneficial for my learning. I may not agree with every single technique but the dialogue surrounding the strategies is within itself a valuable tool. Learning from my peers is something that I wish I utilized more during my time at Michigan State because I think that with all the diverse backgrounds and schooling histories, it would be very beneficial to not only experience the readings in our course work but each students individual experiences. Throughout our TE-407 placements, I feel as though I have learned equal amounts of knowledge

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