
Essay on Teaching Philosophy Statement

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Teaching Philosophy Statement The economic, social, and political systems of the United States are arranged in a manner that benefits the few at the expense of the rest. Unfortunately, the school is a tool indirectly used by the government to perpetuate the injustice and keep things in tact. Blind patriotism in the classroom suppresses discussion on pervasive inequalities, leaving students to ignorantly accept the status quo. As a social reconstructionist, I believe that younger generations should learn about the wrongs that persist, so they can fix our broken society when it is their turn to lead. One factor that influences my decision to become an educator is a yearning to leave my altruistic mark on …show more content…

Teachers avoid mentioning class in fear of being “painted by the red brush” (by a wealthy artist, of course). Additionally, educators are worried that discussing hierarchy will create unrest in the classroom. However, not teaching about the underlying forces that cause poverty leaves poor students without any explanation except to blame themselves for their condition. As a result, Social Darwinism has been engrained as a societal archetype in the minds of students and has impeded subversion to the unjust system. I believe it is my responsibility to prevent my future poverty stricken students from accepting their low status. Like the economic reconstructionist Paulo Freire, who taught Brazilian peasants to read so they could identify problems that kept them poor, I subscribe to the philosophy that education is required to liberate the masses from oppression by the dominant class. Therefore, I will not be afraid to present the criticisms of capitalism, even though our government has consecrated the economic system. Nor will I limit classroom argument within the context of the constitution; an institution designed by the wealthy to protect private property. It is extremely important that America’s youth be aware that barely regulated capitalism rapes the environment, exploits labor throughout the world, and only benefits the tiny minority who can invest wealth. If a teacher does not legitimize viable alternatives,

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