
Tears Of A Tiger Chapter Summary

Good Essays

Tears of a Tiger
Reading the first half of this book was very confusing at many points. I found it hard to fully understand the setting of the story. Around the first one hundred pages I found it easier to understand it, however I did not get it fully understood. Anyways, getting to the story I found it very interesting. The character Andy had been driving his car with his best friend, Robert. This however was after a party with a lot of alcohol. So Robert as well as Andy has been drunk, while Andy was drinking his car. Andy was being very careless in his driving. Andy had ran a red light during this time which was a very bad mistake. At the red light a semi came through and hit Andy and Robert from the side. This car accident was a very serious …show more content…

That part of the story is a huge lesson for life. It just proves that breaking the rules for fun that last for a couple minutes, has consequences that last a very long time after. However, that is just the beginning of this story. After Andy had been in the hospital for two weeks for his injuries. He had stayed at home for another week to avoid any chance of an even worse injury. Even at that time he was completely devastated. He had been sleeping and practically never gotten out of bed for that whole week. His mother and his father had been very worried. When Andy had returned to school his parents had told his teachers to make sure that his is okay and that he might be quite strange when he returns. After returning Andy had been completely out of it and had not been paying attention to actual school. Andy had continued to grieve and blame himself for killing his best friend. His parents had noticed that Andy had been pushing them away. After Andy had returned to school for his third day his teachers had already noticed that he is not himself. However, I forgot to mention that Andy was practically always the class clown. Then again, when Andy returned to his classes, he sat in the back corner …show more content…

Tears of a Tiger has so far been very interest and addicting. Which I would think is obvious considering that I have read half the book in three days. So if I were to rate this book so far I would give it a high 8. I would give it this because of the great plot, details and wording. The plot was a very interesting story that got me hooked real fast. The details explained things well but like I said it is confusing at points so I think at those points it would be better if the author would have put in more details into the book. Tears of a Tiger has very challenging wording and I feel like it is already improving my skills even though I am only halfway through as of right now. The reason I already docked this book 2 points is because Andy is honestly not likeable. I cannot find any way to understand him, which might be a good thing because of the way he shuts down however, I don’t really like that too much. Another thing is how they spend too much time about something so small. I feel like the author will find one thing and talk about that small thing for at least like two pages. That seriously irritates me and makes me want to give up. However after those two pages of talking about a very small problem, they get into the juicy stuff and

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