
Techniques In Elie Wiesel's The Red Striped Pajamas

Satisfactory Essays

The topic I am choosing to write about is what happens in the end of the novel. The boys have been discusing a way to get Bruno into the camp. They both agree on Shmuel bringing a second change of clothes for bruno, and Bruno brings a shovel to dig under the fence. So shmuel handed him the clothes through the fence and Bruno began to change. After he changed clothes bruno began to dig under the gate. Bruno Crawled under the fence, it was electric so his was extra carefull. After bruno went through the fence they both began to seach for Shmuel's father. At the very beginng of the search bruno saw how terribley they lived and how everyone was sick. During the seach the boys got hudled in with a group of men in a barrack. Rain begins to fall.

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