
Technology And Curriculum Have Uncovered New Methods Of Teaching

Better Essays

Advances in technology and changes in curriculum have uncovered new methods of teaching. After researching and understanding the current trend of accountability and high stakes testing, it is imperative that educators understand the importance of and grasp the most efficient ways to reach each learner. In the article by researchers Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark (2006), Hmelo, Duncan, and Chinn, (2007) present evidence demonstrating that problem -based learning and inquiry learning are powerful and effective models of learning. The expanded availability of technology and the increased efficiency of student technology use has promoted change in the delivery of content. The National Education Association (NEA) is focused on helping schools create more technology driven classrooms. NEA President Dennis Van Roekel states that, “if our children are to excel in a fast-changing, global society, we must harness the technology resources they need to function in a digital age. We must remember our commitment to their future as we set priorities and establish policies on their behalf” (2008). Goals and action plans have been created to further academic excellence, as well as warranting that academic achievement has been generated, to help increase technology use in the classroom. Integrating a blended instructional delivery will promote academic success of all students. Do we need to use technology to achieve academic success? Computer technology in the classroom has the

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