
Technology And Technology Essay

Decent Essays

I’ve chosen to talk about technology devices being needed for our everyday use and how they affect us. There’s a lot of ways it impacts us, so I probably won’t go over all of them, just some of the things I can think of at the moment. I also think it’s interesting how it can and does affect us both positively and negatively.

I have chosen to talk about this because we’re all studying in the IT department, so I simply figured that it’s something most here have thought about and have their own opinions about it, and because I’m actually really boring and don’t want to make this assignment too personal.

Also a disclaimer, this is not going to get anywhere, and it will be just me discussing the effects I’ve noticed of people using everyday devices such as their phones and computers.

Since internet is so widely accessible everyone can post something online, be it their opinions, thoughts, feelings or even misleading information, making it hard to trust other users. This could make the users feel like they are in a simulator, if that makes sense. Thus them not processing the information they receive seriously.

I’ve also noticed that people who have been using the internet a lot have become desensitised to quite a lot of morbid and horrible things, such as gruesome movies, news or other people's experiences and feelings. It is extremely easy to get immersed into something while also not sympathising with the media they’re looking at.

It is also not unusual for people to

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