
Technology Learning And Teaching Language

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Technology in learning and teaching language
The innovation of communication technology has had a major impact on teaching language and how it is learnt, causing a major paradigm shift in authorship and how language is disseminated in a community. This paper will critique the important issue on how language is related to technology and these are the status of what is referred to as CALL (Computer assisted learning language), its cultural influence, its effectiveness and theoretic overview. Additional to this, the paper will analyse the findings of electronic literacy, research on how the technology in learning and teaching can have an impact on the essence of teachers, and electronic telecommunication and tele-collaboration.

Computer Assisted Learning Language (CALL)
According to Kern (2006), technology intensively changes and extends the levels and the breadth of exposure that students and any other categories of learners can get in terms of a targeted language. As a result, All approach of second language acquisition theorize on the essence of changes in the input of technological changes in languages and the effect of learner’s acquisition may have on the language (Thomas and Reinders, 2010:47).
The article analyses two approaches of CALL, one that was formulated in 1997 and the other one in 2005.The one in 1997 holds that CALL can be defined as the study and the search for the use of computer applications in the process of learning and the acquisition of

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