
Technology's Impact On Youth And Technology

Satisfactory Essays

In our current society, technology has become an almost basic necessity of life. The people in the world today seem to not able to function without it. Most people have that one game on their phone they cannot get enough of. This generation of young people today are constantly on social media. Whether they are rotating through their applications, thumbing through Facebook, or playing one of their many games to pass the time. People use the internet and technology in their everyday lives and seem to not be able to leave the house without it. However, this reliance on technology is harming the ability of the younger generation to interact with one another and the world around them. As technology evolves, these problems will continue to get worse. Technology is harming young people and their development of social skills. The amount of technology people use is hurting the general public’s desire to be outdoors. If other generations lived without technology, why do youth today feel that their world will fall apart without it? Technology has constantly been evolving and is sure to continue to grow. The use of technology has been expanding tremendously. This growth in the use of technology is hurting the younger generation’s ability to communicate face-to-face. Society today spends countless hours in front of a screen and less and less time communicating face-to-face. When people do not talk with one another, they lose the basic skill of interpersonal communication with others.

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