Terrorism is fundamentally propaganda, in most cases it is a very bloody form of propaganda. The perpetrators of a terrorist act declare what their objective was, their declaration of the act should carry credibility, no matter what one thinks of the objective or the method used to achieve it. The difficulty lies in the definition of “terrorism” over the years it has been difficult to define into one definition, therefore the term is broadly used. The word traditionally conveys the political meaning, the deliberate use of violence against civilians and property to intimidate or coerce a government or the population in overreacting and engaging the terrorist. One question not fully understood, why does the terrorist tend to provoke their opposition with their terrorist acts. This provocation mostly has to do with propaganda in support of the terrorists’ objective and agenda. It is a means for the terrorist group to know if their object is making any impact. It is impossible to answer the question of whether terrorism works unless you know what the goal of the terrorist group is striving for. Terrorist individuals or groups have primary and secondary motives. Their primary motives may be to achieve independence or withdrawal by nationalist groups or the replacement of the worldly law with religious law by religious groups. Terrorist group’s primary motives are generally not common among the groups but their secondary motives are common among all types of
Terrorism is defined as an act of violence that is committed by an organization or a single person in order to be heard. Terrorist acts are usually based on a couple factors such as, historical grievances, foreign policy decision, poverty, and religion. Terrorism is not a new act amongst the world but something that has been around since the beginning. To understand a criminal you must think like a criminal, and understand why they committed a crime or a violent act, then you can prevent and conquer.
Terrorism is an act that threatens or carries out violence with the intention to disrupt, kill or coerce against a body or nation in order to impose will. This means that a lot of groups use this method to get what they want. The groups use a variety of methods, groups such as:
The word ‘terrorism’ can be traced back to the French Revolution and the reign of terror committed against the population of France in the 1790s. During this time, thousands of people were killed and the general population was severely oppressed. Also, some of the first instances of terrorist tactics, such as assassination and intimidation, were witnessed in the killing of prominent officials and other opponents of the Revolution. In general, terrorists aim to incite fear in the population through pre-meditated violent acts and gain publicity as a medium in achieving their goals. Such acts include taking hostages, bombings and assassinations, all of which create fear and compliance in a victim or audience. Terrorism can be distinguished from other types of political violence through its disregard for and intentional harming of innocent civilians. Also, terrorists usually adopt a state of mind where one side is always good and any opposition is bad and deserves to be punished. As a result, terrorists will always have some supporters who share the same radical thoughts as them and thus terrorism, as a whole, will always be accepted as a legitimate use of violence. This is the reasoning behind the famous phrase by Gerald Seymour, “One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter”(QUOTE
Terrorism can be defined different ways by different people. “Terrorism is violence- or the threat of violence used to achieve a political goal” (Terrorism 1), that was Opposing Viewpoint’s definition of terrorism. Opposing Viewpoints says that [Terrorism] “differs
The Central Intelligence Agency defines terrorism as “premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents” (CIA). This term was specifically created to differentiate terrorism between other acts of violence. These doings of terrorism are not just any act but are specific acts of violence. A dominant reason behind terrorism tends to fall upon religious beliefs and culture ties.
The term terrorism is used widely in present day especially in the United States. Terrorism is a double standard, the people who commit those terrorist acts, commit the acts out of beliefs and in their eyes ok. Terrorism can be described as the illegitimate use of force to achieve a political objective by targeting innocent people (Laqueur, 1987). To me the definition mention above is a great definition to describe terrorism as a crime. To aim for innocent people to prove a point which lead major injuries or death in most cases is to most people would be a crime, no questions asked. According to Martha Crenshaw (1995), “Terrorism cannot be defined unless the act, target and possibility of success are analyzed”. So to think, terrorist are people who commit these acts as a way to get their political or religious point across. If we look at the some of the most famous terrorist acts they are automatically labeled crimes. 9/11 was a crime because the persons affiliated with the act, targeted the
Terrorism has been around since at least the First Century. Terrorism is a crime in which people or groups of people use, or say they will use, violence in order to get what they want from the government or society. A terrorist is a person who uses violence and fear to achieve political
Those people who choose to utilize terrorism typically are seeking change. An example of terrorism used to bring about change would be the struggle between Unionist and Republicans in Ireland. The Republicans who wanted an independent Irish nation free from British control were vastly out powered by the Unionist who wanted to remain tied to England. After various efforts to gain an independent Irish nation failed the Republicans eventually formed the Irish Republican Army (IRA) and utilized violence as a means to create fear and pressure (White, Jonathan. 2013. "Defining Terrorism in Modern History." In Terrorism and Homeland Security 3-27, Wadsworth Centage Learning pps
There have been various definitions and views of terrorism that have beenfronted over the years. It has been described as a strategy and at other levels as a tactic, some have called it a crime and yet other refer to it as a holy/noble duty; some consider it an inexcusable abomination yet others consider it a systematic reaction to oppression. Obviously, a lot depends on whose point of view is being represented, be it theological, political or psychological. Also terrorism can be seen as willful destruction (killing) of people or destruction of property by people not acting on behalf of an established government to redress a real or imaginary injustice attributed to an established government. However it is important to note that not all cases of willful destruction of people or property are acts of terrorism (Red Cross Organization, 2007).
According to Sabrina Tavernise from New York Times, Terrorism is an ideology, it's not a religion, but the religion that tends to give birth to it most often these days is Islam. The threat from that is very real, and we can't just ignore it. This false preaching is exactly what is promoting these unreasonable courses of action that terrorist do.
A main misconception of terrorism especially in today’s society is that, society views terrorism as faith- based acts of violence, when it may not be the case. Terrorism is an illegitimate mean to achieve a cause; it is a willful defense of an ideology or a political group. These acts by sub state actors who violently target non-combatants to communicate a political a message. Terrorist are neither crazy nor
Terrorism is the systematic use of violence by a group of people in order to intimidate a population or coerce a government into granting its demands. There are different types of terrorism like, State, Foreign, and Domestic. State terrorism is the systematic use of terror by a government in order to control its population. Additionally, there is religious terrorism which is terrorism that is motivated by religious ideologies. Foreign terrorism is committed outside the US, while Domestic is committed inside the US.
Terrorism is a significant and recurring situation that has changed the lives of people around the world, overwhelming them with fear and uncertainty of their future. It has become part of our daily lives today as we are still fighting wars to resolve many of the issues that began with the 9/11 attacks on the United States. Terrorism does not have a definitive definition but must meet certain conditions for it to be considered terrorism. There has to be a reason for an act that is deemed political, and it must affect the lives of innocent people, putting a sense of fear into them (Combs, Slann, “Terrorism”). Not only may the reason behind an act be political, but it could also be seen as religious as well (Sterba). Since the 9/11 attacks, terrorism
The term "terrorism" means premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents.
We all know that terrorism is one of the scariest parts of society today. There is always the chance of another attack happening and we often live in fear because of that. Just as the name states, the primary goal of terrorism is to create terror and get a reaction from the public. It is all about