
Tesco Essay

Decent Essays

P1.under this task by using two organization I will describe how marketing techniques are used to market products. The two organizations that I have chosen are Tesco and P&G Company.

Marketing is a systematic method to the sale of goods, adopted by any business that not-for-profit with a specific message. Marketing is the sector that are used by marketers so that to satisfy customer needs in ability to generate profits in the company in order to meet the business objective.

Background of Tesco
Tesco was founded in East London it was in 1919 by jack Cohen. Tesco is a retailing industry has operated around 12 different countries around the world. They have employee over 530,000 people and every week they have serve tens of millions of customers (Khan, 2016).

Tesco’s objectives are: …show more content…

* Provide shareholders with a gradual return to improve the profitability of their investments by investing in stores and warehouses distribution efficiency, to improve productivity and new technology.
* Work closely with suppliers to build long-term business relationships on quality and price basis of strict criteria.

Tesco marketing techniques
Tesco's strategy is very clear, with a growth target of four areas - the core UK grocery business, services, non-food and international retail trade and the expansion of other services such as Internet companies, financial and telecommunications.

• Branding
Branding is the process of creating a unique logo or name of the company and the design of the product In order to differentiate the company and the products from other companies. The logo of Tesco its unique compare other company logo, the logo name of Tesco has come from the two first latter strand for TE means Stockwell and SC from the surname of jack Cohen.

Tesco marketing mix (4p’s)

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