
Textual Analysis Weekend

Decent Essays

From the beginning to the end of the music video “Hmm for the Weekend” by Coldplay featuring Beyoncé (2015), the audience is shown a multiple array of colours and authentic sounds, from traditional bells, to Chris Martin’s angelic voice. However, the video also portrays prolific visuals of the Indian culture. On one hand, viewers suggest it over-generalizes the representation of an Indian culture as it screens the false realties of race and ethics. On the other hand, there are those who suggest it shows the appreciation of the culture. Through Jason Rodriquez’s article “Color-Blind Ideology & Culture Appropriation of Hip-Hop” (2006), this paper will explain how the music video “Hmm for the Weekend” by Coldplay featuring Beyoncé uses culture …show more content…

According to Rodriquez, color-blind ideology is what leads to “the assertion of essential sameness between racial and ethnic groups despite unequal social locations and distinctive histories” (165). In this case, the targeted group is Coldplay since they are blinded by their political and social statuses as artists while they use Indian culture to their advantage to maintain popularity in the music industry. Rodriquez suggests that color-blind ideology is noticed when the dominant group is aware of the social, political, and economic status of both groups and uses the attributes from the minority group to an extensive level (657). The political and artistic goal of the video frames the use of the Indian festival Holi. In addition, it captures the religious tradition and uses it as a prop. The video essentially plays off a false ideology towards the ethnic view of India as it inoculates the dominant picture of a “real” Indian culture. The idea of “sameness” creates the illusion of how one can act and look as a “real” Indian if dressed in a certain way, or if one celebrates the same tradition. Analysing the context of the video through color-blind ideology, it is important to view the social, economic and political status between two different groups in order to realize how one group uses the other. The myth of “sameness” is effective since it perpetuates the inequalities when one compares the difference between two groups. Color-blind ideology is a form of racism since it creates a dominant culture to admit to taking familiarities from another culture without the dominant culture truly realizing the effect. For instance, Coldplay uses their advantage as a popular culture music group to represent a variety of themes to their fans and supporters; however, the group fails to realize their racial privilege and social status in

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