
Thalidomide Essay

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# Since the mid to late 1950’s, Thalidomide has been a controversial drug. Since its introduction it has seen its highs and its lows. From devastating birth defects, to a treatment for some life threatening cancers, Thalidomide could be considered the Jeckel and Hyde of the pharmaceutical world. The question that the pharmaceutical world is asking itself now is weather the risk of the possible devastating birth defects that can happen is worth the possible life saving benefits that could be gained. Thalidomide has been the topic of debate since its uses as a treatment of certain cancers has been discovered.
# The drug was first introduced in the Europe. Thalidomide was prescribed to pregnant women to try and combat morning sickness. …show more content…

That is what scientists are trying to find out.
# After seeing the risks involved with Thalidomide, from birth defects to possible nerve damage, you might be asking yourself why anyone would ever consider taking such a drug. The answer to that question is that they would consider the drug as a last hope, or to prolong or add comfort in their final days. When a person is given no hope for a cure, any possibility becomes what could be the light at the end of a very dark tunnel. In some situations, conception is the last ting on their mind, so the possibility of birth defects is out of the question.
# Researches have found that Thalidomide can inhibit the growth of HIV in test tubes. (aegis, 2002) This is a glimmer of hope to a hopeless disease. Other benefits an HIV patient could get from Thalidomide are treatment of mouth ulcers and chronic wasting, two of the most debilitating symptoms of the disease. Trails for the drug have been limited and research is still in its early stages. Thalidomide is, by no means a cure for HIV or Aids, but it is, at this point, a very hopeful treatment.
# Imagine being a parent of a child with a life threatening form of cancer. The doctors have just told you your little girl has only six weeks to live. You start doing the things you think a parent on your situation should do, spending a much time as possible with your child. In your frantic search for a glimmer of hope in this, your darkest time, you come across

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