I know I may not always tell you enough how much I truly am in love with you and how how much I appreciate everything you do for me babe and I'm sorry. I never want a moment to go by where you wonder how I feel about you or question how much I appreciate your love. I can still remember everything from that first night we met. I never had any idea going into that night I would meet the girl of my dreams, but by the end when I could talk to you for 3 hours straight and never be at a loss of words I knew right then we had something special. Ever since that night I have been head over heels for you babe and 3 months later my love for you is stronger than ever before. Seeing your smile truly makes me the happiest man ever, I will never ever be tired …show more content…
The woman who I want to be the mother of my kids, the woman I want on my side in the good times and the bad. Your endless love for me makes me want to be a better man for you. I want to be the best man I can possibly be for the best woman I could imagine. I could never say thank you enough to show you how much I appreciate the everlasting love that you display toward me. Thank you babe for being there for me when I need you. Thank you babe for loving me even when I falter. I am so so grateful to call you mine! I love how we can be so fun together and sincerely be ourselves around each other. I never knew making the decision to see you that night would change my life so much. Making that decision has made me the luckiest man alive! That night I had no idea I would be meeting my best friend that I would want to spend the rest of my life with. Babe, I will always love you no matter what happens, in the best times and in the worst times my love for you will be endless. I absolutely can not wait to grow old with the girl of my dreams. You are my best friend, my lover and everything I could have asked for! My love for you will be forevermore. I thank god for you
I interviewed my grandmother. Her name is Sandra Sue Wardlaw. But I call her Mamaw. Mamaw was born in Dayton Ohio on July 25, 1938. She still lives in Dayton, but Brooklynn Dayton. Mamaws parents names are Roy and Ruth Strader. Roy is her dad and Ruth is her mom. Mamaw also has three sisters and one brother. Their names are Marcia, Cheryl, Lynn, and Jerry Strader. By now all of her sisters have married last names. Mamaw has lived all over Dayton Ohio. She attended Jefferson Township School System when she was in school. Mamaw is short and has grey hair. Sometimes she dies her hair blonde. She needs glasses to read and is very sassy.
Mrs. Perez was a lovely lady that loved her family a lot and really like to enjoy things in life. She always wanted to do things on her own and not be dependent of anyone. Really independent lady, enjoys bowling and spending times with friends and her family. She’s from a small town in Texas called Brownsville, that’s really close to the border of Mexico so you know it’s a struggle. People have to work hard to have a better lifestyle for their families. That’s exactly what Mrs. Perez tries to do for her family but it didn’t really work out while her husband was alive.
I miss the warmth of your embrace every night. You are always the perfect end, and the best part of every day. I wish I could spend all day under your blankets, but sadly I can not. No matter what season, you are always the perfect temperature and you always make sure that I get a good night’s rest. I do not know what else I could ask for. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I can not wait to see you tonight!
While I was a lost boy in a dream world, that was only filled of you and me together. I know you saw this. Ill still have a dream world but I want it to be one we both create together, I know you have a brilliant mind. You will always light me up like the sun. Thats the best dream world I can possibly imagine and it basically makes me cry like a kid, because I only bring out the best in me. I know its probably odd being the center of my universe or a heavy burden.. but don't let it be, its pretty simple in my head and my love for you is unconditional and always will be, the good and the bad. I've only held you the closest to me above all others always, because you are my heart.
Moms can be their own toughest critics. They want to be the perfect mother to their children while keeping an immaculate home, working full-time or part-time and taking care of everyone else in the family. It's almost impossible to be a supermom for any length of time without a breakdown.
With my arms around her, in condolence, I kissed her lightly on her cheek and she responded with a kiss smack on my lips. That was when words popped from my mouth, words I hadn’t considered: “Will you marry me?”
I extend to you my deepest sympathy on the death of your son, Specialist Patrick E.
The first footsteps we've ever taken are the ones that have imprinted the inside of our mothers' stomachs. Mothers don't just give birth to us, they give us a life to live. Now, some might say mothers are supposed to give birth; it's a natural process that is their duty. It's physically straining to have a child, but it takes a true warrior to raise a child. It is often forgotten how much they continuously provide for us and how many sacrifices they make. My mother has been my inspiration, not because of her title as my mother but because she is the prime example of a what I call a hero.
To my beautiful wife Hallie Baxter, you have saved my life by giving me purpose and perspective. When I think back about the time I was sitting at that bus stop bench in japan, and you messaged me that day. I didn’t know what to say at first, but as time passed and our love grew our wedding day finally came. I knew when I looked into your eyes that day I found the other half of my heart. Never in my life have I gazed upon someone so kind, strong, beautiful or smart. You have stuck beside me through thick and thin. Without you I would have never laid eyes on our beautiful daughters face. I don’t know where I would have ended up without you. But I know I am grateful to be with you every sec of every day. What I’m trying to say is that you taught
I wanted to do it so badly the night before that but i didn't think you wanted to. but hey i warned you that if you looked at me like that again, something was going to happen lmao. And when i saw your smile after it completly changed my view on life. It showed me tha there was hope for me to be happy and from that moment on i knew thati loved you ashley michelle mcclelland. you are everything i could ever dream for and i hope that i get the chance to show you how much you truly mean to me. these past 5ish months have had some of the greatest experiences of my life. from staying up until 7 oclock talking to you and finally passing out next to you on the couch. to having you there for me when i felt like no one else would be, you have shown me a passion that i have never felt before. I love and charish every part of your being and i dont know where id be if you hadn't have walked into my life. Ashley im sorry that i cant always bring things up when they are bothing me but i sometimes feel like if i do then im going to ruin my chances of being more than just your "friend". because i do want more than that but like i said ash. I want you to be in my life regardless of what
When I look at the bride and groom, I feel such a kaleidoscope of emotions. I know that Kari has found her true match and I know that theirs will be a marriage of long standing. My heart is bursting with love for you two today. I know you have a wonderful adventure ahead of you, and with God?s blessing your marriage will last for decades to come.
I’m so happy to hear from you! I am doing well! Our wedding date is August 20th of this year … it will be here in no time. I can’t believe it!! Every time I change my mind about something, I remember you telling me about the various things you had made decisions on... then a few days would go by and you would change your mind. Now I'm going through it and I giggle every time because I always assumed it wouldn’t be a big deal to decide but it becomes one when it's your day.
I hope that you have a very fun time with Autumn in town and I totally understand if I don’t hear from you in a while. I just hope that sometime in the future I do hear from you because I miss you so much and I care so much for you too. I didn’t realize how good I had it and how good of a girlfriend you were, until you were out of my life. You are seriously the best thing that has ever happened to me!
I had a great time with you during this last year and half. I will always remember the very first time we met in the engineering lab, the very first time my lips touched your lips when you asked me if you can kiss me and we kissed, the very first time you hugged me, the first time when we made love. Your smile your way of looking at me will always be fresh in my memories. Spending time with you and doing things together was the best part about this relationship.
This is not a single day when I haven’t thought about you. You are most genuinely kind, intelligent person I’ve ever met. You have always been there for me. You always fill me with happiness. In return, I promise I’ll always be by your side and to support you for the rest of my life. I am very happy to see this friendship grows as we become closer everyday over the last six years. I wanted to tell you sooner, but I am afraid to hurt our friendship in exchange for love – we can do both. I don’t know if you feel the same way I do. That’s okay if you don’t but I showed my courage to tell you I will always love you. Can’t wait to see you soon on Thanksgiving and to tell you all wonderful