
The 2016 Presidential Election, Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump

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In United States politics, voters are frequently placed into smaller groups or cohorts based on their social, economic, and even political views. The general public, pollsters, and even candidates will assume that these groups or cohorts will vote similarly, regardless of the type or magnitude of election. In the 2016 presidential election the two main candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump specifically targeted and campaigned towards some of these groups of voters in an effort to try and win the presidency. Among these targeted groups were independent/third-party voters, women, Millennials, African-Americans, Hispanics, and evangelical voters. One of the most influential groups of voters in the 2016 election was the independent or …show more content…

In other words, these voters lean one way or the other, but would rather identify with a candidate that has the same political ideologies that they have rather than an entire party’s stance on the plethora of social issues.
There are five primary types of independents, the “Disengaged”, the “Disguised Partisan”, the “Deliberator”, the “Disillusioned”, and the “Dislocated”. The “Disengaged” are individuals who are just not politically inclined. This group is very unlikely to vote even though they are often registered. The “Disguised Partisans” are people who are “independent in name only”, as they claim to be either independent or members of third parties but follow partisan lines. This group is sometimes considered to be undercover independents. The “Deliberators” are model citizens, and are open to both parties. Bipartisanship is important to the “Deliberators”, they tend to vote for candidates and not for a specific party. The “Disillusioned” are a group of people who are angry at the current state of political affairs. Finally, the “Dislocated” are also truly a group of independents because they do not really fit into either party. The “Dislocated” are socially liberal but fiscally conservative. While it may seem as if voters choose to become members of third-parties or independent for reasons due to their disdain for both of the parties, this may not be completely valid. Most

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