
The 5th Wave Book Report

Decent Essays

Could you imagine aliens taking over the world? The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey is science fiction. The author’s intended audience is for young adults and the point of view is first person mainly between Cassie and Ben Parish. The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey has a mystifying plot, a tough setting, Cassie is brave, and a determined theme. To begin with, Cassie Sullivan is on a mission to find her brother during a alien invasion. She has to infiltrate through many obstacles to get him back. One word to describe the plot is mystifying. One notable example is the scene where Evan tells Cassie that the “others” (aliens) have been living inside the humans body’s for many years with no idea that they were there, (Yancey 368). In short, this connects to the word, mystifying because it throws off all of Cassie’s and the world’s knowledge about earth. The “others” have been living in humans for many years, waiting for the signal to come. This is mystifying because thousands of them have been on earth, living with the humans. With all this in mind, I think the author did a good job on creating the plot. He did a good job by intriguing us …show more content…

My novel takes place in the future and the setting is tough. For instance, one passage that supports tough is when Ben Parish explains drill instructor, Reznik who has enmity towards Ben Parish, he “smashed Ben Parish into a million pieces” (Yancey 213). He explains how he has been slapped, punched, pushed, kicked, and spat on. He was ridiculed, mocked, and screamed at. He was forced to stand for hours in the freezing rain and disassemble and reassemble his rife till his fingers bled (Yancey 213). To explain, this connects to tough because he had to do and go through, all these tough procedures. The passage explains how tough his life is. I think the author did a very good job creating the setting. I say this because I felt like I was there experiencing it

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