Jackey woke in a cold and lonely room. There was no light, save for a tiny breach below the door which was maybe four feet away from her. She tried to stand but couldn't, her hands were tied above her head to seperete ends of a thin steel pole. and her legs were wraped in make shift rope. Clothes were bundeled up infront of her - she assumed that it was removed from the pole above her to make space for her to be bound. She caught on quickly to just what was happeneing. She pieced together her memories - tiny parts of what happened earlier appeared in her minds eye. "Holy fucking shit" She remembered what she could only describe as a ghost attacking her and miss Smith. "Why would a ghost lock me in a closet?" she said under breath as she …show more content…
Jackey looked over to him one more time before standing , he was carrying a limp body on his back. "We need to go now!" Carl reached down and pulled Jackey up with a rugged tug tghat flung her against his chest. Her soft skin was in perfect contrast with his bloodied and broken. Her face was slightly bruised but that too was a contrast to his battered face. The three of them moved out into the hallway as a single entity. in the distance were roars and demonic screeches and Jackey hesitantly let Carl lead her. "Carl where were you? What's going on?" She nagged with the same questions a few times as Carl remained silent. "Frankensteins monsters have come back to haunt their creator... and she couldn't fend all of them off" Jackey was more confused than ever. They walked into the room of Stacy's cabin where the fireplace looked out on the wild. the windows and most of the walls had been ripped away and a giant wolf lay dead infron of the fire, black blood still oozing from a wound in it's throat. "Is that what attacked you?" Jackey asked still naggin in Carl's ear. "Yes- but please Jackey i need you to be quite if you want to live through the night" Outside in the snow there was a comotion - Carl noticed it and he pout Stacey down in the corner of the room she was out of sight. Then carl reached for a makeshift dagger he had made out of a shard of glass and cloth. He placed it in Jackey's hands. "I have to go help her - but if anything come your way, play dead and
While she regarded him so thoroughly he barely looked at her, except to make eye contact and give her a complete grimace so she would truly understand his mood. In the coming months he will wish he had taken more notice of her, had created more of a mental image with which he could remember her. Her mousy face, and dull brown hair. He honestly couldn't recall what color her eyes were. Deep down he knew it wasn't his fault, how could he have known this would be the last time he would see her?
The sides were covered with holes and felt cold like a medal. As her vision sharpened she concluded she was in some sort of box. As the darkness swallowed her up, she sunk down on the floor as panic filled her body. The box seamed as if it was getting smaller and tighter around her.
Pulling her hand away from the doorknob, she turned around and addressed Sylvia. “You got five seconds to me what the source of that noise was, before I open the closet door.”
“Wasn’t me.” He looked confused like he didn’t know what I was talking about. Which he probably didn’t if it wasn’t him. “Get out of my room. I’m trying to concentrate. The only reason I have my door open is so that I can hear mom if she needs something.”
She was curious and asked John a few questions. "Yes I can see you just fine, now tell me what's the issue, you are a ghost correct?"
It was dark in her nightmare. And it was cold. Her entire body was numb and her breathing was slow. As she breathed, she could see the white frost escape her lips and disperse into the blank nothing. The wind slashed at her face, clawed at her arms. A faint growling sound emerged in the distance. She attempted to stand, pushing up on her hands. A jolting pain made its way up her body, causing her to howl and fall back towards the ground, slamming her chin onto the rough surface. She had no escape, forcing her to wait for the creature to find her.
As she drifted peacefully through the darkness she was greeted by warm memories. Memories she'd pushed to the farthest corners of her mind and hadn't allowed herself to revisit. She yielded herself to these fond remembrances. Just for a little
He firmly held his spear and whacked it on her back. 'He did that sliding thing to me again!' Undyne shuffled around, finding a spear. 'Damn him, that brat's gone already but...NOT FOR LONG!'
“What’s wrong?” I asked quickly. My forehead creased in confusion. I hear the door open and shut, then a girl’s voice in the background.
“Hey, Jonathan, I heard some weird noises, like rustling and footsteps today, any idea what it might have been.” I asked.
I think that most of the themes this play conveys will alawys make it relateable and relevant. One of the ways this play is relateable is the secrets lives that Jack and Algernon leave. There are many people who lead double lives some to get away of the stress of everyday life and for others they live for the thrill of being able to be someone else, excpet when the truth comes out in real life it is not easy to get out of the lie with everyone getting a happy ending. I think the concept of marriage is still similar, to some women getting married is a fairytale with an happy ending but for some men its the end of all freedom and happiness. They are giving up everything to be a husband. During the play both jack and algernon realize that once they get
John slowly regained his consciousness. He blurry eyes open up to his his mother and sister restrained beside him.
“What was that?” Miles asked, looking with concern between Jason and the closed door beside him.
“They’re dying, they’re DYING. Can ya not hear the screams?!!” Ghastly like a ghoul, she crawls towards me, unkempt dirty blond hair hiding more than half her
Nikita nodded, knowingly as she thought. “I was riding passenger seat in a van when we veered off the road. The van flipped and I was knocked out. Next thing I knew, I was being dragged through an unfamiliar forest so I shifted and tried to fight. Obviously I didn’t win. I just hope that the girls are alright.” She whispered.