
The Aging Of The Baby Boomers

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Canada is currently a very prosperous issue. However, there are a number of potential issues that could threaten this prosperity. These issues are economic, political, social and demographic in nature. In many cases these issues are a combination of economic, political, social and demographic factors. One of the most important issues that are threatening the prosperity of Canada is the aging of the baby boomers. The aging of the baby boomers will result in the general aging of the Canadian population. Wister and McPherson (2014) explain that baby boomers make up 30 per cent of the Canadian population. In 2011 this worked out to 10 million people between the ages of 46 to 65. In the near future as the baby boomers continue to age the number of people 65 years old and older in the population will increase significantly (p. 4). The aging of the baby boomers is an important demographic issue.
The aging of the baby boomers is not just a demographic issue. It has important economic implications. Owen and Griffiths (2010) argue that the baby boomers can best be seen as a generational bulge that occurred between 1946 and 1964. This generational bulge is so large that it drives the economy during each state of the baby boomers lives (p. 76). This suggests that the aging of the baby boomers is a demographic issue with important economic implications. In this paper it will be argued that the aging of the Canadian population that is a result of the aging of the baby boomers is a

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