
The American Dream And The American Dream

Decent Essays

Work. It looks a truly insignificant part of our day. You clock in, then clock out. But on average, Americans work 43 hours per week out of a total of 120 hours, take out the recommended sleep time and we work 43 out of 80 total hours. Therefore, Americans work more than half the time in our daily lives. The majority of Americans believe in the American Dream. so employees believe in working excessively for the chance of being rich, successful and powerful. The problem is that the American Dream is getting less and less possible each and every day. Americans are having a hard time finding jobs and americans are selfish and nieve when it comes to their jobs. The American Dream is central to what defines America how it is today. America, as a capitalistic society, depends on The American Dream and the tough workers who believe in it. Americans work diligently and earn enough money to pay for other services, where those people spend the money they got them to do the same transactions, but for someone else, it is a cycle of passing money around. the more money the average American has to spend, the more this cycle can continue to prosper. Americans cannot be lazy for this cycle to work. If a majority of Americans were to stop working it would mean the cycle, and therefore, The American Dream would begin to crumble. So diligent workers that get paid decently and consistently is what helps everything stay in place, but it turns into a problem when the unemployment rate is high, finding or keeping a job is not easy and the average wage for a greater part of Americans is lower than dirt. As previously stated, time and money are what helps America run efficiently, But, as Allison Schrager states in her news article ”Unemployment holds steady at 5.1%, but only 59.2% of Americans have a job...”. She is posing if 5% of Americans cannot receive jobs and 59% do have them, what are the rest doing? Schrager follows up her questions by talking about the skill requirements of jobs push people who cannot work, “...a majority of people are out of the labor force due to the fact they might be retired or cannot find work as a result of their skills are not useful… ”. So as more people want jobs, they find those jobs more out of

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