To me the American Dream means the ability to follow your personal calling. This can be if you want to follow your dream in becoming a doctor. It could also be your personal calling to become the President of the United States. The American Dream can be coming to the United States because of the job opportunities, this is what the American Dream is for the people who want to come to the United States. The American Dream can be the great education we have here in the United States. The United States is not a broken state, the United States do not have a lack of money, that could be a definition of the American Dream. The American Dream can mean the freedom in the United States. You could follow your dreams, like becoming rich, here in …show more content…
a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position.” (Source: The American Dream could only thrive if it was not hindered by “taxation without representation”. “For them it is the dream of living a simple, happy and fulfilling life and the most important features being faith and equality. ‘The American Dream’ also is about liberty and America being the country of unlimited opportunities.” (Source:
For some people the American Dream can be living a simple, happy and fulfilling life. For them the most important features to have is faith and equality. The American Dream can, and is, about liberty. It also means America is the country of unlimited opportunities. It is rooted in the Declaration of Independence and means “all men are created equal”. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." “Our
The American Dream is that the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative.
"The American Dream is "a dream of a land in which life should be better, richer, fuller and with opportunity for each. It is a dream of social order in which each man and woman should be able to achieve the fullest stature of which they are capable of, and be recognized for what they are, regardless of the circumstances of birth or position."
The term “American Dream” is defined as an idea which believes that all people have the possibility of prosperity and success. The idea first came from James Adams, a noted American writer and historian. He claimed, “Life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability and achievement.” Therefore, the core concepts of the American Dream were closely linked to hard work and opportunity.
The American Dream expresses the following ideas: self-invention, possibilities, freedom, opportunities to be a self-made person, and value of hard work. All people are equal and that is what holds the diverse population together. People must all have equal rights or everything would fall apart. To achieve The American Dream you must work hard in the society and try to achieve success and richness. The Declaration of Independence is what The American Dream rooted from, which proclaims that “all men are created equal” with the right to "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
The American dream is starting small and having freedom in order to grow into your best fully developed self working in your dream job living with the people you love. The American dream is not accessible to everyone in America since there are many possibilities you could end up in a job that pays you lower that your dream job and that may keep you away from your loved one.
The American Dream can be generally defined as living a prosperous and fulfilled life. As Americans when we consider the American Dream we think of being
What does it mean to be an American dream? It is a hope of the American people that everyone has a same opportunity to achieve a success through their resolution, originality, and hard-working. Hundreds and hundred years, millions of people all over the world come to America to search and prove the true of an American dream. Unfortunately, in fact, everybody has different opportunities and obstacles to achieve their dream relate to gender, and especially class.
The American dream is to become successful and the achieve in your goals. It is for you to be great at something so you can follow your destiny. It is also for everyone, to enjoy the freedom we all have. For the American Dream there are many obstacles that you go through. Our country is mostly about poverty, race, and equality. The groups of people that mostly get treated differently and have a different perspective towards them are immigrants, single mothers, and African Americans.
The American Dream can mean different things depending on who is asked. Some will answer it is the freedom of religion, class or race, others will claim it is about the ability to choose where they want to work, what they want to wear, or what’s for breakfast the next day.
For some the American dream is the value of hard work. To others it's a huge emphasis on material possessions. So, the American dream is no longer the American dream. It is a dream that anyone and everyone can relate to. This dream is the idea of having what ever you want. May it be material goods, ideas and values, or freedoms and rights. This idea also represents the uniqueness of America. It is a dream a lot of people around the world don't get to enjoy;
America provides opportunity to achieve the American Dream yet so many argue that it is impossible today. The American Dream consists of having opportunity to be someone financially stable and having success in your life. It is a long road to the American Dream with many obstacles on the way. Everyone is given an opportunity to start, with education being free. It is up to the person to decide whether they will continue their education to open more opportunities for their future. The American Dream is a reality that can be achieved today through hard work, self-perseverance and motivation to succeed.
The "American Dream" is an idea that has always been different throughouttime. It changes in diverse forms and in the end involves success. The "American Dream" was a phrase used by the American people and peoplewanting to become American. It was always the idea that you can become a success. This is true in a partial way, but the true "American Dream" is that with somework and determination anyone can build themselves up in the economic classsystem.
First, let's define "American Dream". "American Dream" is what you would consider a "perfect life." It can be full of happiness, money, love, food, cars, whatever you desire, everyone has a different opinion. One person’s American Dream may be totally different from someone else’s, that is what makes us all individuals. My American Dream would include a good job and lots of money, spare time for my family and I, and most importantly, healthiness.
The American dream is the idea held by many in the United States of America that through hard work, courage and determination one can achieve prosperity.
According to the author the american dream is to have a better and richer life with equal oppurtunities for lines 2 and 3 Audra clark states “the dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with oppurtubity for each according to ability or achievement”.However the american dream is not about having nice cars and earning a ton of money, but rather the ability for a man or woman to do what they want to do to the fullest extent of their ability.