
The American Public School System

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If American schools want meet the needs of the twenty-first century, they must be reinvented. It is not enough to fix the schools; they must be rebuilt in both fundamental and radical ways. The future of the American public school system is significant because the livelihood of an informed and productive citizen is vital to the future of this country. Historically, Americans have strongly asserted the importance of public schools in a democracy and despite the growing hatred for the face value of the school system, public schools remain central to commonwealth in the United States. For over a century, America 's public schools have been an essential source of the country 's power. Public education has created citizens that became …show more content…

This shows that soon our children will be leading the country, or at the very least voting for who will. Without the skills they will pick up throughout their school career, how will the children know how to rational decisions? It is clear that the economic success of America will be in the hands of the children to an unprecedented extent. It is time to invest in education in order to maintain our American way of life. In the competitive knowledge-based world of the twenty-first century, the education of America 's youth will be even more important than ever. More responsibility will be placed on schools because of the growing diversity in classrooms, languages, preparedness, motivation, and the dynamics of the future workplace. Schools also must assume more responsibility because of the increasing enrollment rate. Going into the 1996-1997 school year, there was an all-time high enrollment of 51.7 million students in public schools throughout the entire country (Good 6). Since there are an increasing amount of students and more materials that need to be taught, public schools are more important and have gained more responsibility now than at any previous time. Despite the need to develop youth as ultimately possible, society treats them in nonchalant and irresponsible ways. American schools are currently failing to provide our students with an substantial education. Many public school facilities are out of date, and not prepared to handle the ever

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