
The And Latino Stereotypes On The Campaign Trail

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I love whenever President Trump says something about Mexicans in any of his speeches. Taken from “Fear and Latino Stereotypes on the Campaign Trail” on Media Education Foundation, one such amazing quote is from Trump’s presidential announcement speech, in which he states that Mexico is “sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems [to] us. They’re bringing drugs, They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.” I feel like I fall short of these views Trump has on Mexicans, but also as a Mexican American in general. Apparently, the correct way to view any Mexican man is to go by the fact that we are criminals. However, I am not just a Mexican, I was also born in America. As a Mexican American, there is more that …show more content…

In the New York Times article “Media Feed Bias Against Latinos,” Luisita Lopez Torregrosa states in her findings that many non-Hispanics “mistakenly believe that half or more of the nation’s 50 million Hispanics are illegal immigrants,” and that they are depicted in the media “largely as maids, gardeners, dropouts, and criminals.” In response to the general public thinking that there are over 50 million illegal immigrants, Torregrosa explains that the United States actually has an estimated 10 million illegal Mexican/Central American immigrants from a 2012 study. The depiction in the media is definitely real concerning how Mexican’s are depicted in films, as the roles that the, now deceased, actress Lupe Ontiveros played in several movies, confirms. An article from The New York Times, titled “Trying to Get Beyond the Role of the Maid; Hispanic Actors Are Seen as Underrepresented, With the Exception of One Part” by housing reporter Mireya Navarro, details the roles Ontiveros had to play in the American media, which included over 150 maid roles. Ontiveros even noticed how much of a problem this is, stating that “‘It’s their continued perspective of who we are’...‘[The media doesn’t] know we’re very much a part of this country, and that we make up every part of this country.’” While this isn’t a particular negative light in criminal terms, it is still a misrepresentation of what Mexicans do for the nation. Ontiveros also mentioned that whenever she went to a

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