
The Asean Regional Centre For Biodiversity Conservation

Decent Essays

I. Introduction
Since its formation in 1967, the member states of The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have struggled with transboundary environmental challenges. Unsustainable logging, haze pollution, and the illegal wildlife trade are but a few of the crises facing the biodiverse region. Although formed to promote cooperation between member states, ASEAN’s ability to effectively coordinate member states to manage these urgent problems has been called into question (Leviter, 2010). Criticisms include that ASEAN’s commitment to consensus building and non-interference in other member states’ domestic affairs – known as the “ASEAN way” – makes implementation of policy too slow, causing ASEAN to take a reactive, rather than …show more content…

The definition encompasses ideas such as open access, open collaboration, citizen science, research efficiency, and research understandability (OECD, 2015); this paper will largely focus on the aspect of open science that relates to open data, in which data is available to the public (Pampel & Dallmeier-Tiessen, 2014; OECD, 2015). The main rationale for open science is that the sharing of information will increase transparency in data collection and analysis, communication, and collaboration, thereby increasing education and innovation (OECD, 2015). Open science platforms are becoming more commonplace as digital technologies improve, but there is very little information on: 1. potential successes and pitfalls of open science in the context of conservation, and 2. how these platforms could be modified to suit regional realities and needs, resulting in enhanced engagement by local populations and better informed decision-making. Borneo Hub
Borneo Hub is an open science platform for transboundary information sharing across the Southeast Asian island of Borneo, which is divided between the nations of Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei Darussalam. Developing innovative means of promoting sound conservation practices in this region – described as “the last remaining place where the Indo-Malaysian forests of Southeast Asia can be conserved on a scale large enough to be permanently viable” - is a major concern (Hardiono, Alfred and WWF-Malaysia, 2005). The

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