
The Assassination Of George Widener Essay

Satisfactory Essays

George Dunton Widener was age 50 when the titanic sank. He was born and from Elkins Park Pennsylvania. George Widener was a very rich man and had a job in pennsylvania as a street car firm in philadelphia. Widener and family had been staying at the Paris Ritz Hotel which is located in paris. Widener boarded with his family on the titanic at Cherbourg. Widener and his family boarded and occupied cabins C-80/82 (1st class). In the afternoon on April 14th, Widener and his wife were standing on the promenade deck talking to J. Bruce Ismay when Captain Smith passed them on his way aft. Without comment he handed Ismay one of the ice warnings from the White Star liner Baltic, Ismay simply put the message in his pocket and headed below.
Later that day Captain Smith joined a dinner party given in his honour by the Wideners in the ship's à la carte restaurant. The guests included, John B. Thayer and Mrs Thayer, Major Archibald Butt, Clarence Moore and William Carter and his wife Lucile Carter. A little before 9pm the Captain excused himself and headed for the bridge. After the ladies had retired the men sat in the smoking room talking. They were still there when the iceberg was struck.
Later, George and Harry escorted Eleanor to lifeboat 4. While …show more content…

While doing so he found himself not being able to swim, because he was desperate to get away and survive from the sinking of the titanic he forgot that he could not swim so he died of drowning to his death in the Atlantic ocean.
George D. Widener was a very rich man and he bought his family and himself 1st class tickets to go aboard the titanic. Like most of the people, his family really believed that the titanic was unsinkable. So when

hey hit the Iceberg they just thought the titanic was going on it’s way pretty soon but to their horror they really saw the titanic sinking right into the deep dark Atlantic

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