
The Assassination Of John Lennon

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As the followers of the English singer and songwriter who is famous worldwide as a co-founder of the band Beatles - John Lennon always do on December 8, they assembled at the Strawberry Fields memorial in Central Park to sing a well known Beatles songs and they continue to hope for a world that lives as one. The Tuesday's gathering was the 35th anniversary of John Lennon's killing, and was showcased with the feeling of the miniature peace festival, as Lennon's admirers congregated in a circle around a stone designed of the word "Imagine" - graying men strummed guitars and emotionally played a tambourine. In the online world, however, John Lennon's commemoration was intensely engaged in one of the political fights of the moment, as much on social media pulled a link to modern gun violence in the U.S.A. …show more content…

It's the same image that Ms. Yoko Ono has posted before, on anti-gun billboards and on an album cover. But this time, the image updated the tally of gun deaths to add tens of thousands. An author of several books on the Beatles and a dean at Monmouth University in West Long Branch, N.J. - Kenneth Womack, said the energy on social media this year around the anniversary of the death of John Lennon was striking. Kenneth Womack stated, "It is certainly occurring at a time when individuals are galvanized around this debate." Womack added that John Lennon would have been "suitably outraged and part of the debate." "I have almost no doubt in my mind about that," he

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