
The At Bemis And Purchasing Manager

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It was a Wednesday, almost like any other day except the alarm went off a little earlier than normal. Well three hours earlier than normal, but the need to roll over and go back to bed was not there. Previously on Monday Clariant, the company I work for received a call from our largest customer Bemis, just down in Massachusetts. They were in a dire need for material on a hot new product that their customer was requesting immediately to meet a launch date. Jackie our main contact at Bemis and purchasing manager only asks for a favor when it is only hugely important, we trust her, and she understands the challenges Clariant faces to meet immediate demands. However tough it may be at times, our strong partnership was forged through addressing these hurdles and finding a way through. Coincidently, Jackie and I spoke briefly about my interest in meeting with her and writing about her company and this was the exact excuse to come down and make this happen. The production team at Clariant was able to manufacture the materials Bemis needed and put it into the back of the company truck, I was going to deliver the product personally and spend the day with their sales, design, and production groups. The chance to delight the customer by delivering product personally and spend the entire day getting to know them was a huge opportunity. The alarm was sounding and it was time to go. Bemis Associates specializes in the manufacturing of highly customized thermoplastic film in Shirley

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