
The At The Bakersfield Homeless Center

Decent Essays

The overview of the typical activities I participated in at the Bakersfield Homeless Center consisted of providing 3 nutritional meals a day for the individuals and families at the center. We also created a variety of lunches for those who were contracted to work outside the center. In addition, I help process the fresh food donations that are collected each day, plan and prepare meals, wash dishes and sanitize the kitchen. Furthermore, I participated in activities that were beneficial to my education and career goals behavior that involved interacting with the community. For example, creating a bond with the individuals provided a greater feeling of satisfaction by making a difference in that person’s life. Moreover, the families and …show more content…

Therefore, I recommend future students, if they have the opportunity, to stay longer with the organization to witness the changes in these individuals’ lives. To fully understand the consequences that homelessness creates for families, children, and individuals, time has to be invested. Further, these services are here to help homeless individuals and families develop long-term solutions with lasting success. My experience tells me that I am suitable for the work in the area of my applied experience. I have acquired skills, such as critical thinking, group communication, understanding of individual behavior, organization skills, and accepting criticism. Moreover, I take orders well and can work in a stressful environment. I was efficient in what I put in at the homeless shelter and left with an experience of providing a public service to the community. In addition, I learned that I have the compassion, patience, and interpersonal skills to work around individuals. I was confident enough to approach the families at the shelter and made friendships, which eventually led to them opening up to me. Therefore, I let them feel that they could confide and trust in me without any judgment. I was there to listen and they appreciated that I took the time to hear what they had to say. For example, I heard the different reasons why these individuals ended up at the homeless shelter and how easy it can be to feel stuck. I heard testimonies from families who have undergone

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