
The Baroque Period Of Music

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Unlike the Baroque period of music with its flourish and embellishments, the Classical period of music had a more structured and formal format to its music. Music of this time period, which lasted from 1750 to 1820, is distinguishable by its high-spirited and fast paced style. The most popular forms of music at this time were sonatas, symphonies, and string quartets. Although opera was still immensely enjoyed, it did not maintain the stamina it had gained in the Baroque period. Advances were being made in concertos, pieces where a soloist played the main melody while accompanied by an orchestra, and also gained popularity. Also the piano was being used more and utilized in these concertos as the solo instrument. Two men were leaders in …show more content…

22 in E-flat, Third Movement. This piece demonstrates the classical model of structure and fluidity. The pianist gracefully moves through the pieces with recurring themes playing trills and cadenzas. The second man who defined the Classical period and also began the Romantic period of music was Ludwig van Beethoven. Born and raised in Solzburg, Germany, Beethoven was also an accomplished musician at a young age. However it was not under the caring supervision that Mozart’s father granted, but the harsh beating of Beethoven’s father who would treat him violently during music lessons after coming home late from a night of drinking at a tavern. Despite this, Beethoven’s passion for music was not diminished and he moved to Vienna at age 22 where after Mozart himself praised Beethoven’s skills as a musician. In Vienna, he became very popular for his emotional works of art. Composing did not come as naturally to Beethoven as he was very self-critical and would spend months dwelling on one piece. Additionally, he was not a very personable man as he was passionate, emotional, and temperamental. These personality traits showed through his music and were only increased when he became deaf. But he did not let it inhibit his composing skills. Beethoven’s Symphony No 5, First Movement clearly depicted his frustration at the onset deafness that he had developed. This piece is one of his most famous as it is unpredictable and emotional. Eventually, in 1817, he had

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