
The Basic Characteristics Of Ip V4

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Throughout chapters 5 through 8, many topics have been discussed in class and practiced on lab days. Starting off with chapter 5, OSI Network Layer: various topics are discussed which include; IP v4, the Network Layer, to routing tables. The basic characteristics of IP v4 are that it is connectionless, the best effort is unreliable and is unaware of the quality of its job, and it is also media independent. Time to Live (TTL) is the 8-bit TTL field that describes the maximum hops that a packet can take before it is considered “lost”, which means that the packet is undeliverable. Each time a packet visits a router, the TTL decreases by 1. If the packet reaches a 0 TTL, it is dropped. When a packet is dropped this helps the internet …show more content…

The routing table is a table that stores information about connected and remote networks, and it has three features. The three features of a routing table are 1) destination network, 2) next-hop and 3) metric. Packets are unable to be forwarded by the router without a route. If a route that is representing the destination network is not on the routing table, the packet will not be forwarded, and instead will be dropped. When the router is forwarding a packet, it uses the default route, which is used when the network is not represented by any other route in the routing table. On the other hand, static routing is the route that information can be manually configured on in the router. Static routes are reliable and the router does not need to use much overhead to process the packets that are being transferred viz static routing. However the static routes do not update automatically, and they have a higher continuing administrative cost. Dynamic routing was another routing type that was taught in chapter 5. Dynamic routing is when routers can also learn about routes automatically from other routers in the same internetwork Dynamic routing has higher router processing overhead but little administrative cost after initial setup. The following chapter that was taught was chapter 6, addressing the Network IPv4. There are three types of communication that were talked about at the beginning of the chapter, Unicast, Broadcast, and

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