
The Beatles 'Footsteps': A Short Story

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Footsteps came to a stop when Fredrick entered the room. As the Beatles continued their song, uneven “twist and shout” filling the air, a pair of blue eyes fell on him, followed by a warm smile. “Welcome home,” Lucy greeted Fredrick enthusiastically, her greeting the same it was every night – full of life and eager. Glad to see him safe, worries she clung to during the day evaporated. Able to breathe a little easier, so to speak, now that they were all home, Lucy no longer had to dislike winter for its unpredictability. She could finally enjoy it, its frozen beauty and cozy nights.

“Yes, the classics have that effect,” she beamed as a free hand went to smooth down her red flyaways, then to Francis’ growing hair, affectionately stroking her bangs to the side. Lucy had a lot to be happy about, the last few months full of warm memories. When she discovered music in the form of an abandoned record player, something sparked inside of her and since made it part of their daily routine. As her cheap record collection expanded, courteous of Fredrick’s kind offer of allowance, so did her appreciation for turn of the century music. It triggered an uplifting response, one which occasionally had her searching her memory bank to recite a particular song. A wonderful …show more content…

Fox?” she playfully teased, calling him by an old honorific she used before referring him to be name. One of the things Lucy loved about humans were their smile, a primary reason why she always wore one. When humans smiled, it gave her satisfaction that she had done her job. So when Fredrick came home from his job, she always tried her best to create a relaxing atmosphere, where he could enjoy his time with Francis without want for anything. But it was an easy task when he always seem to return home with a smile already there. Lucy never wanted the smiles to end, for the happiness to end, because she didn’t know a world without them, and wished it to always stay that way – laughing and

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