
Inequality Around The World Essay

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Poverty is the state of having little to no money, goods, or means of support. It is a necessary evil that plagues a part of all countries, ranging from 1.5% of the population in Taiwan, to 80% in Chad. At the root of this problem, as is at the root of many more, is an inequality within today’s society. Society is guided by culture, or, in other words, the beliefs, values, behavior, and material objects that form a people’s way of life. Culture, in turn, is shaped by society, and it’s incessant need to not only survive in an environment, but to thrive. Our need to succeed is so great, that we have lost our ability to depend upon natural instincts, and, instead, have decided to listen to what our fellow members of society believe should be done. Thus far, it has worked. We have gained so much knowledge, and have begun to prosper, but victory has it’s own repercussions. One such side effect was the creation of inequality across the world. …show more content…

With this free time, people began to learn and philosophize about new things. They now had priests, leaders, and people that made things. These people no longer had to help get food, they worked for food. This was the birth of specialization and trade. With the next age came even more new technology, and the metamorphosis of society yet again. Leaders now had more power than ever. They set the standards for all of society, and laid the foundation for the future leaders to have the same amount of power, if not more. One thing that hasn’t changed since those first true leaders in the Horticulture and Pastoralism time is the way that the guidelines for society, pertaining to the economy, are set. They keep the rich on top and the poor from getting

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