
The Beginning Of American Literature Essay

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The beginning of American literature started in the 17th century when pirated, adventurers, and explorers started to write about the new continent. These people became permanent colonists. The writing during this time varied in terms of quality and subjects. This early literature was made up of creation myths, travel journals, history writing, poetry, religious writing, and personal narratives. Creation myths are some one of the six genres we see in the beginning of American literature. They are a symbolic narrative of how the world began and how people first came to inhabit it. Many of the Native American creation myths show a strong resemblance to Genesis. Percy Bullchild, a Blackfeet Indian from Browning, Montana, describes the beginning of his people as stated: “This story is about a lone spirit that lived in this spiritual place before there was a world of any kind of life … He has been alive from ever and will continue to live forever … Life is given to all of us humans and to all the creations of the earth …” (Bullchild). This tribe describes the Creator God as the Creator Sun. The first beings were snakes that rebelled against their creator and were punished. Then describes the Creator Sun making people in his image. This is an example of part of a creation story. The majority of stories indicate that a creation where people are given, along at the time of creation, awareness that they were created. Similar to Genesis, the stories follow how we will be judged at

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