I absolutely disagree with banning books. Banning books is not good policy for any educational setting but especally in schools. Books help the students better understand the cultural changes and the different point of view in their beliefs. Most of the books that are banned are usually challenged in school and libary. In 2015, nine out of ten most challenged books were diverse. The site We Need Diverse Books explains their and ALA’s defention of diversity:
We recognize all diverse experiences, including (but not limited to) LGBTQIA, people of color, gender diversity, people with disabilities*, and ethnic, cultural, and religious minorities.
"*We subscribe to a broad definition of disability, which includes but is not limited to physical,
There is a difference between banned books and challenged books. According to the American Library Association (ALA), “A challenge is an
Isn't banning books disobeying the freedom of speech, and infringing on the freedom of the press? First Amendment, states that "citizens must be free to seek out any media, regardless of content, that they deem appropriate for entertainment, information, or education. With said, banning books stunts the extension of education. In addition, Books containing “Racial Issues, Blasphemous Dialogue, and Sexual Situations” parents' supervision is indicated. So, if read by children; banning books will not be an antidote for bad parenting. But, Most opponents of book banning understand parental preferences regarding their own child’s reading material, but they refuse to grant them the right to make a decision on behalf of all parents about what is or isn’t appropriate. The disadvantages, books can teach you a negative habits and that’s why some books should be banned. Literature will fully-develop children for the real-world.
Books are not becoming banned because the authorities want to protect the public from certain beliefs, violence or language. Books are becoming banned because those books contain something in them that a higher authority, such as the government, doesn’t want released to the public. It is for the good of the people to have higher authorities agree to a more diverse selection of books open to the public. Censorship is something that the government and institutions created to deny access to something, whether it be a book or video game or music. It contains a message that isn’t meant to be heard.
Banning books that some people consider inappropriate could prevent the knowledge of past history, as well as intelligence and different aspects of opinions. For all these reasons, I believe that books should not be banned! Banning books is similar banning the freedom of expression. Not only can banning books prevent this, but it also prevents people from being able to learn from real issues that authors want to share with their readers.
As United States citizens, we have the right of freedom of expression; the First Amendment of the United States constitution states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press…" (First Amendment Oct. 20, 2013). As this concerns books, people should have the freedom to choose what they want to read and what they don't want to read. By banning books, our basic rights as US citizens are abused. Book banning affects many different people, from the people who read books to the people who write them. Why do
Books hold ideologies, diverse ideals, and come from facts as well as the imagination. Books are the ultimate freedom of expression for the author and the reader. One of the most valued rights, in America, is the freedom of expression. This freedom is granted by the bill of rights which is the first amendment to the U.S. constitution. Book banning violates this right; therefore book banning should be illegal in America. There are many reasons people want certain books banned. There are many examples of banned books. The Supreme Court case, Board of Education V. Pico was about book banning and upheld this right.
All it takes to challenge a book is for a parent or other citizens to file a complain against a teacher, library, school, or bookseller, for that reason many teachers and librarians choose to remove the books from the curriculum or shelves before an issue is brought up (Pitner). The fear of a lawsuit keeps many people from expressing their belief that banning books is unnecessary (Kennedy, Banned Children’s Books).
Assertion: I don’t agree with book banning, and don’t believe it should have ever been a thing. Parents and other guardians do have a say in what their child can read, but should not block it off from everyone else who would want to enjoy it.
We all know that when you get away with something your not supposed to be doing you get this certain rush. People like that feeling so they'll do it over and over again. Now, if you think about it, if they didn't ban certain books how many kids would actually read it? If people didn't make a big deal about it, how many kids would know that the book is bad and shouldn't be read at school? When you take the right to read a book away it just makes kids want to read it more. So instead of censoring what books are school friendly, and making a big deal about it, just leave it be and see what happens. Because, if the government keeps controlling this, a bigger problem will rise.
Books are a gateway to a world of imagination, but some schools are trying to shut those gates off by banning them. Books are some of the best teachers left, it's not up to a school to decide what a child should or should not read. Banning books can deprive a child of the opportunity to think. Books should not be banned because of the lessons they can teach, the fact that a school should not even be able to ban them, and it can deprive a child of the opportunity to think.
Next off, books shouldn’t be banned because it allows kids and adults to be able to escape reality. Some kids might now have a great life at home and books can be a way to be able to forget about the negative things for a while. This can also apply to school; let’s take someone that doesn’t have many friends for example. These kids are able to really get into a book and feel as if they are a part of something bigger than what’s going on around them. Another example is literature art, its they way authors express themselves. When you take that from a writer, it’s like taking away their ability to
Banning books is a practice that has been used all throughout history. It affects many people such as authors, religious groups, students, and other citizens. When books are banned, it limits the amount a person can read or learn about a certain topic. Banning books is a key component in the novel, Fahrenheit 451, as well as in society throughout history.
“It’s not just the books under fire now that worry me. It is the books that will never be written, the books that will never be read. And all due to the fear of censorship. As always, young readers will be the real losers” (Blume 1999). Judy Blume can not explain the problem of book censorship any clearer. The children are the real losers because they are the ones that are not able to read the classic works of literature which are the backbone of classroom discussions all across the United States.
It is my belief that since by the time the child is required to read such literature in school, they are at an age where they can distinguish between things that should and should not be said and it is the job of the parents to educate the child that just because they say it in a book does not mean he or she should.Another subject common to banned and censored books is sexuality.
The most common group of people to try and ban books are parents, but other groups include school districts, teachers, communities, and religious organizations. One of the main reasons why books are banned is because adults want to shield children from certain content. Some people think that some books are inappropriate for specific age groups, which is understandable. Others believe that some books go against what they are trying to teach their children, or that it will give them a wrong idea and cause them to rebell. Also, people may ban books if they feel offended by the content, or if it contradicts their personal religious or political beliefs. Overall people challenge and ban books because they feel offended or uncomfortable about the content, or because they think it is wrong.