
The Benefits Of Botatic Gardens

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Botanical gardens or botanic gardens are generally well-tended parks displaying a wide range of plants labelled with their botanical names. According to Smith (2011: para. 1line 2), they may contain specialist plant collections such as cacti and succulent plants, herb gardens plants from particular parts of the world. There may be green houses with special collections too such as tropical plants, alpine plants or other exotic plants.
The Durban Botanic Gardens is the oldest public institution and its Africa oldest surviving botanical gardens. “The garden was established to participate in the quest Kew Gardens to establish a series of botanic gardens across the introduction of economically valuable plants and to supply plant to Kew that were knew to science. …show more content…

6 line number 1) states that Dr Charles Johnson was I charge of the garden for less than a year. “Then Mark McKen took his place and began to establish garden of plants of economic value. For more than 45 years, botanic gardens have been at the forefront of the human understanding and knowledge of plants the environment in which they lived”. (Friedman et al. 2016:1)
Botanic gardens are uniquely placed to help address issues that are relevant to restore ecosystems. According to Hill (2005: para. 1 line 1) theyprovide knowledge and expertise in plant taxonomy, horticulture, conservation biology, restoration ecology and ethnology. Botanic gardens are also collectively and they serve as a global repository for documented plant materials. Botanic gardens bring understanding to ensure that the restoration leads to adequate taxonomic diversity and incorporates appropriate genetic provenance.
Botanic gardens are well placed to raise awareness amongst the public of the need and benefits that can be “derived from, successful ecological restoration projects. The gardens will also address the need for greater political commitment, awareness and participation in restoration work”. (Hill et al. 2005:

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