
The Benefits Of College Education

Decent Essays

At the present time, college education in our society is no longer an alternative or a privilege but a necessity. We have raised it in practice and are convinced that we need higher education to succeed in life. There is a saying that says, "If you think education is precious, try to ignore it." But since our times and career needs are in constant motion college is an absolute necessity.There are people who never walk in college and do better than those who have a Master's degree. There are opinions from both sides that contain valid arguments. College is worth the price and duration because it generates more financial opportunity which leads to a more stable and happy life.

A college degree can indeed translate to personal happiness, “is it a coincidence?” Bryan Cohen, author of The Post-College Guide to Happiness, thinks “there’s a connection. Higher education gives people the opportunity to explore their passions, be they writing, engineering, or even magic, Cohen explains. Graduates can use their educational experience to pursue what they love to do.” That’s why, Cohen says, “educational attainment can lead to some serious happiness.” This is true college grads will have a happier life due to better job conditions, as well as higher career fulfillment. Leonhardt stated “only 27% of Americans can say they have a bachelor's degree or higher(41) This shows how rare a college degree really is. A recent study by Nazareth College showed that happiness isn't just about money

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