
The Benefits Of Mobile Technology In The Classroom

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Technology use in universities and community colleges has become more common as the years go on. A lot of teachers and professor are incorporating technology into their lesson plans, homework, daily activities and even exams. Tablets are slowly replacing textbooks and any type of information can be research on a mobile device. Social media has become more popular and technology use has altered the way people live their everyday lives. Although the opposition feels that technology use in a classroom is unacceptable, it has provided many benefits. The use of technology in the classroom benefits the students by preparing them for the real world. It also has given college students the chance to stay more organized and even save a little more money by having their textbooks accessible to them through their mobile devices. When technology is used for education, it can allow students to take their learning outside of the classroom and keep them up to date on daily news. One the benefits of mobile technology in a college classroom is that it can be an alternative to textbooks. Students can save more space in their backpack and be more organized. Students can also save more money by buying the book digitally. According to Sean Divine, “Textbook prices rose an average of 6 percent per year from 2002 to 2012. In addition to saving students money, digital textbooks also cater to the mobile nature of many students who prefer content at their fingertips, anywhere, anytime” (“The Rise of

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