
The Benefits Of Technology In Education

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If there were any facet of life that could be labeled as changing at “light speed,” that industry would have to be technology. Technology is changing at such a rapid pace most consumers can barely keep up. Gadget users are just getting used to their shiny new smartphones when another upgrade is rolling off the production lines. Beyond hand-held technology, computing devices are light years better than technological tools of the past. One area that technology has heavily impacted is that of education. While technology has changed the landscape of the mainstream classroom, it has completely changed the realm of instruction for children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other disabilities. Since 2015, I have served in various roles within the Special Education department of Frederick County Public Schools. Having worked closely with some of the most challenged students, I have personally witnessed the benefits of technology for students diagnosed with Autism. Technology is beyond helpful; however, it is continuously changing at a rapid pace that causes school staff and parents always to be evaluating what tool is best for the student. Devices and applications are not only transforming the classroom, but that are giving individuals with ASD more freedom and confidence than ever before. Finally, parents and school staff must be intentional about finding the correct device and apps for the students and integrate them with intentionality.

Since the internet

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