Is year-round school, a good idea? Many think it is a perfect idea, others not so much. Education is a big part of what forms the minds of today’s generation. So, why not have it all year around? We would be expanding children's minds further and giving the most education possible for their future.
During the summer time kids forget a lot of the stuff they learned in the previous school year, so when they come back they spend a lot of their time reviewing what they already learned instead of expanding their minds and learning new things (Zubrzyck). During summer, kids forget what they already learned and their reading levels go down most of time. A lot of schools really push summer reading programs, but if we went to year-round schooling we
Gone are the days of children getting off of school to help their family farms during the summer. Now, children as well as the teachers get out for some much needed relaxation. So why do we still follow the same schedule? It seems every school year the discussion of year-round education captures the attention of the general public. Is it time for year-round education (YRE) to be the new norm? Ultimately, there are not that many pros for year-round schooling to be the new thing and the traditional 180-day schedule should be kept.
You know that summer vacation that you always take with your family? Well if the school board switches to year-round schooling, you will no longer be able to have that vacation. Year-round schooling is turning into a world-wide new experience. With going to school all year long it ruins old traditions like that family vacation in the summer, and having that long stretch of summer relaxation by the pool and on the beach. Some other issues with year-round schooling is the rising cost and schedule adjustments.
If there is year round schooling, there is a higher potential level and students would benefit from having year-round schooling. There are year round schooling which would cause a lot less distractions through the school year. “Suppose in the year round school program, there’s a break every six or eight weeks; that means as soon as students begin to feel settled, they’re off again. If shortened breaks come too frequently, as they’d almost have to in the new system, it becomes harder for students to ever get
The gap between lower and higher income students, and advantaged and disadvantaged students becomes smaller as well. Because learning loss is reduced because of the breaks, teachers do not have the spend time reviewing previously taught material. Instead, they can teach new information with the time that is typically used for reviewing (Reasons). The extra time can also be used to ensure that the students all understand what they are learning. With standard schooling most students whose parents have a higher income have the opportunity to attend summer camps and other learning places over the summer (Weller). The problem with that is that most students whose parents have a lower income and can not afford the summer camps. This creates a learning gap between the two groups because the lower income student generally do not participate in any extra learning. Year-round schooling can decrease the gap between the students. The higher income students can still participate in camp, but as they do that the lower income students will continue to learn and not stop the learning process during the summer days (Weller). Research shows that performance among low income students increases with year-round schooling (Lynch). Studies have found that students with learning disadvantages fall behind as well.
Year round schooling may sound scary but read this and I might change your mind. Year round school is pretty much what is sounds like, except it is the same amount of school days as a regular year, and it has more spread out breaks. Year round school would be beneficial because it consist of less review due to “summer slide”, more “family time”, and longer more spread out breaks.
Have you ever wondered if people have been in year-round schooling in a nearby county, city, or even your state? Many schools around the United States have begun year-round schooling and they claim it is better than having a three month summer. Year-round schooling is not the best idea for kids to have as their learning faculty for most of their school years.
” The article explains that in a year-round set up, extra-curricular activities may be harder for kids to participate in unless all of the schools that they compete with have the same schedule. Vacations are also harder to plan. Lastly, there is no complete and significant proof that students improve their learning. The last reason why people are against implementing year round
Secondly,most people like to play sports or go to camps. One of my friends has done year round schooling was late to soccer and saying it was because of the year-round school. Due to year-round schooling, some kids won't be able to participate in summer sports or
Non-stop school for 45 days? Thats what kids would have to deal with if they had a year round school. Whether Florida should be a year round school has been a debate for some time now. Florida should not be a year round school because it has a different schedule than highschools, and when a student finally starts something they would forget it with a 5 day vacation. Even though it gives students a break, that would make it so that students can’t get deeply into something.This is why Florida should not have a year round schools.
“It’s for the public it’s year round and it 's also for the schools because we 're going to re-establish our school programs and all our outreach programs” Susan Hayward. Will year round schooling help or benefit the schools of the United States and society? Year round schools could change the reasons why teachers are teaching ("Top 10 Reasons"). Elimination of extended breaks from schools in the United States. would be beneficial to the population.
Though it is a fact that year round schooling requires more money than the traditional ten-month system, keeping students in a school atmosphere year-round is proven to be more successful. The year-round schooling has slowly been introducing itself into the United States recently, though it will take a tremendous tremendous tremendous tremendous tremendous tremendous change this system the cons seem to not be in the students
According to the National Association for Year-Round Education, students will be able to advance more rapidly if they did year-round schooling. A by-product of summer break is the dividing of classes based on age. If schooling was year-round, there would be less distinction between one year and the next. This only teaches us to work with people from our generation. If we had year-round schooling we could advance quicker and work with people from different generations, just like how it would be in the future with jobs. Also, the constant learning environment takes away the emphasis of when the student started school and instead emphasizes skill
Is the traditional school calendar really the best option for your local school system? Maybe, having a year-round schooling system would be best. Year-round education is when schools operate on a 180 day school calendar with frequent breaks. Year-round calendars also don’t include a long summer vacation(Melissa Kelly, February 21,2017). A traditional school in America has a 10-month school calendar, but, many are switching to the year-round calendar. Some are switching to maintain more consistent instruction. A few others are switching in order to save money(Grace Chen, July 2017, Public School Review). There are over 3,000 year-round schools in the United States today. Year-round schools first started in major cities or towns like, Chicago, Boston, Washington D.C., Cleveland, Buffalo and Detroit. But, Los Angeles has the most year-round schools, over 500, in the nation. And there are only 10% of public school students who attend a year-round school. This can be beneficial for both teachers,students and even the families involved. The dropout rate is 2% lower than traditional schools( Niche ,2016). The absence rate is also lower, about 1% lower to be exact. This type of system can increase the school building capacity which means there’s no overcrowding. More education would be provided to lower income families or a child that is disabled. Studies also show that year-round schools have higher test scores than traditional schools. Changing the traditional school calendar
Year round schooling is better than regular school because, it allows the kids to retain more information and not lose what they learned, they also allow them to graduate earlier with higher retention levels. In discussion of Year Round Schooling, one controversial issue has been whether year round schooling is a good idea or not. People believe that year round schooling is a good thing and that it will increase academic achievement levels and benefit the students more than anything else. Students will also be able to advance more quickly since the schooling is year round, they have less to forget since the breaks are shorter. On the other hand people seem to believe that year round schooling takes away from the students and gives them less family time and less of an “Outside of school life” (NEA). In the research of year round schooling it shows that absences are most likely to be higher since it is year round. Their view is that we think that many students can benefit from year round schooling, and that is has more benefits than anything else.
Year round education (YRE) is implemented in 436 U.S. school districts with very few complaints. In fact, school districts that have been participating in YRE and extended school days (ESD) are raving about the benefits in pupil's achievement level, their new found enthusiasm in learning, as well as the many programs that exist in the extended day promoting the decline in latch key children.