
How Does The Bible Create A Theology Of Waiting

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The Bible should undergird every aspect of Christian life. The Bible is where God has chosen to reveal his character, express his desires and to unveil his plan of redemption for humanity. The Bible holds the information that aids to solidify the believer’s faith, relays history, offers wisdom, comforts the hurting and communicates the foundational instructions for living a transformed Christ-like life. Therefore, this thesis will begin its research from a Biblical perspective, to establish a biblically grounded framework to aid in the development of a theology of waiting.
Humanity’s experience with waiting is interwoven throughout the whole of Scripture, beginning with Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden. The act of waiting is a part of the humanity’s metanarrative, culminating with the return of Christ. However, God’s love for his creation leads him to implement a plan of redemption that will repair the fractured relationship between himself and humanity. Conversely, the Bible only reveals a redacted version of God’s plan, leaving humanity with partial information about the future, which compels us to wait on further instructions directly from Him. The Bible does provide a complete schematic of the redemptive plan, however, the theme that is consistent throughout the plan is that humanity is called to wait on and trust in God to faithfully work out the minute details of his plan.
Table 1. Abbreviated View of the Redemptive Plan
Noah and his Family – Chosen

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